Chapter Nine

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Will glanced at the water clock, and sighed.

Maddie was supposed to be here hours ago. The day had dawned bright that morning, and Will had been up at daybreak, bustling around the cabin and the clearing and making sure all was ready for his new apprentice's arrival. He and Alyss had spent the last few days cleaning out the little extra bedroom, which they had been using as a storage room. Will had fitted a wooden door into place. In his days of living there as an apprentice, the doorway had been covered with a woolen hanging, but he figured that Maddie might appreciate a little more privacy.

He'd received an official document assigning Maddie to him as an apprentice a few days before from Gilan. The letter had included a copy of the orders Maddie received before beginning her journey from Castle Araluen to Redmont Fief. She had been directed to arrive at Will's cabin at the ninth hour of the morning. It was currently midafternoon, and there was still no sign of her.

At nine o'clock sharp that morning, Will and Alyss had been waiting expectantly on the veranda. Will was a little anxious at the thought of teaching an apprentice of his own, while Alyss was excited to see her beloved goddaughter, whom she hadn't seen in nearly a year. However, as the hours passed with no sign of Maddie, Will's anxiety and Alyss's excitement began to peter out into confusion and worry.

"Maybe you should go look for her," Alyss suggested multiple times. 

Will shrugged. "I know you're worried about her, Alyss, but Maddie's a big girl. And she has a retinue. They're not just going to let the Crown Princess travel alone, Ranger's apprentice or not."

Alyss nodded, conceding his point. "Still, I hope nothing's wrong."

A little after midday, Halt showed up in the clearing to escort Alyss to a Diplomatic Service business meeting in Wensley Village. While Alyss ducked inside the cabin to gather her things, Will asked Halt if he had any news regarding Maddie.

Halt shrugged. "Nope," he said. "I haven't been up at the castle all day, though. I went hunting for Jenny, and then I came here to pick up Alyss."

Now, Will was alone, reading the daily packet of Ranger reports on the veranda with Sable snoozing at his feet.

Suddenly Tug whinnied, and Sable's head rose from where she'd been resting it on her front paws. Her ears went up and her nose pointed unerringly towards the entrance to the clearing.

Will reached down to pat Sable's back. "What is it, girl?" he asked. She shifted uncomfortably, before rising to her feet, her hackles going up.

A few moments later, Will heard hoofbeats on the path leading to the cabin. He cocked his head. Two sets of hoofbeats. What was going on?

He reached for his bow, which was within arm's reach as he had been trained, and easily nocked an arrow on the string. He didn't pull it back yet. If needed, he could draw, aim, and hit his target, all within a few milliseconds.

He finally saw movement on the far side of the clearing as two horses cantered into view. He squinted, searching for more details, and recognized Maddie's slim, golden-haired figure on the nearer of the horses. With a huff of annoyance, he replaced his arrow in his quiver.

He figured it out a moment later. Maddie was accompanied by another girl, about the same age. But where Maddie was wearing fine traveling clothes and riding an expensive Arridan horse, the girl was wearing coarse, nondescript clothing and riding what obviously doubled as a pack horse, laden down as it was with leather valises hanging from either side of its saddlehorn.

Will mentally facepalmed. She brought her maid?! he thought incredulously.

Will's first instinct was to bellow a tirade of angry questions at Maddie, beginning with What do you think you're doing? and then moving on through Who the blue blazes is this with you? and finishing with What have you packed for? A twelve-month grand tour round the country?

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