Chapter Twelve

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Alyss's apartment was down the hallway from Halt and Pauline's apartment. Will counted the doors, and then knocked.

The door opened, and Will caught a glimpse of gray eyes before he was blinded by a faceful of blond hair as the apartment's inhabitant threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss.

Will clutched his wife desperately, deepening the kiss until they both had to break away, breathless. Alyss's eyes were shining with happiness, and she was wearing a huge smile. Will realized a moment later that he was wearing a matching smile.

Alyss pulled him into her apartment and shut the door firmly behind her. "Oh, it's so good to see you!" she burst out, squeezing his hand. "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you, too," Will said softly. "It's so strange without you around. It's like a huge part of me is missing. Sable misses you, too."

Alyss half-smiles. "That dog. She's spoiled rotten. How's Maddie doing?"

"She's doing well. I had to use the paper from Cassandra and Horace on the second day, and since then, she's really settled down. She's working hard on all the assignments I'm giving her, and she's starting to make progress. I think you can come back anytime."

Alyss smiles, relieved. "That's good!" she says. "I'll get packed up, and I can come back to the cabin with you! I really want to be home."

Will smiled at her, reaching out to clasp one of her hands. It felt so indescribably good to be with her again, to be touching her, looking at her, talking to her.

He sat down on the couch as Alyss bustled around the small room, chattering nonstop and gathering her things.

After awhile, there was a slight break in the conversation. Lady Pauline's words from earlier were troubling Will, so he decided to voice his concerns.

"So, Lady Pauline said you haven't been feeling well," he said tentatively.

Alyss glanced over at him from where she was folding some of her dresses. "She's such a worrywart. It was nothing."

"Are you sure?" Will asked.

Alyss hesitated. "I'm feeling fine now. I went to the healer, and he said -"

They were interrupted by a knock on the door. After a questioning glance at Alyss, Will rose and opened the door.

Maddie was standing outside, wringing her hands nervously. "Will, Lady Alyss, sorry to bother you, but Lady Pauline sent me to ask if we're planning to stay for supper. She wants to have Master Chubb send a meal up from the kitchen if we are."

Will nodded. "Yes, Maddie, I think we'll stay."

She blinked twice, and glanced apprehensively at Alyss. "Well, I guess I'll go tell her, then."

Maddie turned as if to leave, but Alyss called out after her.

"Maddie! Aren't you going to come say hello?"

Will didn't think he'd ever seen Maddie react so fast. One moment, she was preparing to head back down the hallway, her shoulders slumped in dejection, the next she was running across the room, beaming, throwing herself into her aunt's arms.

Alyss held her tightly, burying her face in the girl's wild golden hair, which was already escaping from its braid. "Oh, Maddie, I missed you so much," she breathed.

Maddie seemed too overcome by words for the moment. She just held on to Alyss as if she would never let go.

Will wasn't surprised to see Alyss's eyes brimming with happy tears, but he was surprised to see Maddie crying freely into Alyss's shoulder.

Alyss noticed as well. "Maddie!" she said, smoothing a hand over the back of the girl's head. "What's wrong?"

"I - I thought you hated me," Maddie sobbed.

"Oh, Maddie, I never hated you," Alyss said softly. "I just needed to give you and Will some space so you could get used to being his apprentice."

Maddie looked up at Alyss with big, tear-filled eyes. "Are you coming home with us?"

Alyss met Will's eyes over Maddie, and he could see that Maddie's free use of the word "home" to describe the cabin warmed her heart as well as his.

"Yes, Maddie," she said. "I'm coming home."

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