SORRY NOT AN UPDATE + Thank you for 1K reads!!!! :)

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Hey guys!

Sorry, but there will not be a chapter update for this story this week. :(

I have run out of prewritten chapters and I had absolutely zero time to write this week (and I somehow churned out a one-shot and a Blood Sweet and Schradieck chapter in my zero free time).

I was gone all day yesterday for a college audition and I will be gone all day tomorrow for another. I'm spending the night at the college, but I may (emphasis on the may because then again I may end up having a chance to catch up on school) have a chance to write on Monday.

ALSO (sorry I'm so disorganized) I logged onto Wattpad today and I saw this story got to 1K reads! Thanks so much you guys! I know I said this before when my other stories got this many reads, but I really couldn't do it without your support. So many of you have pointed out little plot inconsistencies and grammar mistakes that made it past me.

So yeah, sorry again about the lack of an update this week. I don't have anything going on next weekend (woo-hoo! I get a break before every weekend after that for about a month is completely full!) so I might (might! I'm not making any promises) be able to upload an extra chapter.

But yeah, with all that being said, I'm really excited for the next part of the story. It's all written out in my head, but unfortunately, I do not possess the technology to download it from my brain to my computer, so I have to go and manually type it out. All I'm going to say is, did anyone forget about Jory Ruhl???? *evil laugh*

Got to go - have to go to church tonight because I can't tomorrow plus I have to finish packing for my overnight trip.

Thanks again, and I love you guys!! :)


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