Chapter Six

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A/N: Here's a cute Alyss/Will chapter, because I think they need a break from all the drama, and because I love writing cute Alyss/Will! :)


"Alyss? What do you want for breakfast?"

Will poked his head into the bedroom. Alyss was still in bed, curled on her side, her hair covering her face. Sable was curled up on Alyss's feet, the dog's nose tucked into her tail.

Alyss groaned. "I just want to sleep," she said.

Will came in and sat down on the bed next to her. He pushed her hair out of her face. "I know," he said. "But you need to eat and get your strength back." He paused, and then wheedled, "I'll bring it to you in bed."

Alyss blinked up at him, and Will knew he'd won this particular battle. "All right, if you insist," she conceded.

"So what do you want?" Will asked again.

"Coffee?" she asked.

Will laughed at her. After living with him for nearly fifteen years, and hanging around with Rangers for countless years before that, she'd come to depend on the caffeinated beverage nearly as much as he himself did.

"Coffee," he agreed. "But you need to eat something as well."

Alyss thought for a few minutes. "I'm not very hungry," she admitted. "So maybe toast, with some of the fruit preserves from Jenny?"

Will nodded. "All right," he said. "It'll be ready in a few minutes. I'll go start the coffeepot."

He got up, opening the curtains to let the sunlight stream in, and chuckled at Alyss's moan of protest. 

Will went out to the kitchen, grabbing the coffeepot from its permanent residence on the stovetop and filling it with water and coffee grounds. He set it to boil and sliced a fresh loaf of bread, toasting several pieces over the live coals and putting them on a plate to cool. Then he rummaged through the kitchen cabinet, looking for the jar of fruit preserves from Jenny that Alyss particularly liked.

He heard Tug whinny quietly from the stable. Will knew it was someone familiar - this wasn't a warning sound. Tug was simply letting Will know someone was coming.

He heard a quiet thump from the bedroom as Sable leapt off the bed and trotted into the living room, going over to the front window to look out.

"Who is it, girl?" he asked. Sable's ears went down, and her tail started to wag.

There was a knock on the front door. Will set the jar of fruit preserves down on the counter and walked across the living room to open the door.

Lady Pauline stood on the doorstep, carrying a covered basket. She smiled at Will.

"Good morning," she said.

"Hello, Pauline," Will said. He smiled back and stepped back to let her in, shutting the door behind her.

Sable wagged her way over to Pauline. Sable often stayed with Pauline on the occasions when both Will and Alyss were away on separate or joint missions, and the border collie regarded Pauline as one of her favorite people, other than Will and Alyss.

"Hi, girl," Pauline said, bending over to rub Sable behind the ears. She straightened up and handed Will the basket. "Master Chubb insisted I bring this for you. He said, and I quote, 'We can't have Lady Alyss starving out there in the middle of nowhere.'"

"Aww, so Master Chubb really does have a heart," Will said. He accepted the basket gratefully, lifting the cover to peek inside. Inside were several pies and a container of sliced meat. 

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