Tori x Reader

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Hey look it's sin

"Tori... they can probably hear us-"

"Then we should probably head to my room right?" She mumbled against my neck.

    But you're probably confused.

    Let's rewind.

    I had been friends with Ell's crew for as long as I could remember. The five of us even pitched in to buy a house together, sharing the rent.

    But after a few weeks of living together, I started noticing Tori acting a little... differently.

    "TORI GET OUT!" I yelled, having opened the shower curtain to reveal Tori nonchalantly standing in the middle of the bathroom. I hastily wrapped a towel around myself.

    "Nah, I'm good." Tori said smugly, leaning up against the sink. I just huffed and left, going to my room to dry off and change.

    As if that wasn't strange (and awkward) enough, a week later something like that happened again.

    I was sitting on the couch watching TV when Tori came up behind me, leaning up against the back of the couch.

    " My mom thinks I'm straight, can you help me prove her wrong?" Tori spoke up, but I didn't even look up from the TV screen. Trying again, she said,

    "Your body is 75% water, and I'm thirsty."

"You can go steal some of Ell's Cola. In the fridge." I responded dully.

Huffing, Tori continued, "You know, bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on a Saturday night."

"It's Monday, Tori."

"What size shoe you wear babygirl? I'm gonna guess size sexy!"

"Six and a half, good guess though."

"Do you have a name or can I just call you mine?"

"It's (Y/n), Tori. I go by (Y/n)."

"What are you doing tonight besides me?"

"I was planning on a movie marathon."

"When I'm around you I can't think straight."

"Easy solution, just go away."

"Do you want to have good sex? Well then come to my place."

"Tori, we live in the same house."

"F**k me if I'm wrong, but isn't your name Easy-Bottom?

"I think we already went over this. (Y/n), remember?"

"Nice name. I'm bisexual: I'd like to buy you a drink...and then get sexual."

"Tori, if you're that thirsty just go and take one of Ell's Cherry Cola's like I said."

And so she left.

Tamara had noticed Tori talking to me from her spot at the kitchen table, and when Tori had left, she sat on the couch next to me.

"(Y/n)?" She asked, grabbing my attention.

"Yeah- oh, hey Tam." I said, thinking it was just Tori again.

"Hey (Y/n). Umm, I'm going to get straight to the point. You shouldn't be hanging around Tori.

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