Sheriff Thomson x Reader

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Requested by: XxHybridxWriterxX

"They've been caught! They've finally been caught!"

I groaned, not wanting to hear this. He was known as the town's crazy guy- always getting up on soapboxes and yelling nonsense to anyone that would stop and listen.

But as I went to my window to close the shutters, I noticed that the crazy man actually had a good few people around his podium. That wasn't usually the case.

'Must be something important.' I mumbled to myself.

Deciding it was better to go outside than stay cooped up inside, I opened my door to listen to the crazy guy. Maybe today he had something useful to say.

"They're caught! All of them, finally captured!" The man was still yelling the same stuff, not explaining. And frankly, I was getting sick of it.

"They've finally-"

"WHO has been caught?" I yelled up to the guy, ignoring the heads that turned my way.

"Who else but the three culprits responsible for 99% of this town's crime? The new sheriff has finally caught them! Finally!" The man went back to saying the same stuff, but I had stopped listening anyways.

"Damnit." I groaned to myself. It wouldn't have been as bad if it was just two- but three changes matters.

I knew Eduardo, Marco, and Juan would get caught eventually, but I was sure it wouldn't be so soon. And, if they did get caught, Juan would be smart enough to stay out of it.

But no.

And as his sister it was my job to bail the trio out.

Heading down the middle of the dusty road towards the jail, heads turned towards me as I went. It honestly wasn't often (Y/n) left the house.

I honestly shouldn't be surprised; there were rumors going around town about what I did in the cover of my house.

Truthfully? Nothing special. But when you have a known bandit for a brother, there are always going to be rumors.

Now in front of the dusty jail, I pushed the doors open with an echoing bang. Looking around, the cells were mostly empty.

Mostly. There was, of course, three idiots sharing a cell.

"(Y/N)!" Juan yelled, rushing up to the bars of the cell as I approached. "You came! Are you gonna get us out? I'm so glad you're here! Did you know I'm a prince?" Juan rambled on, and I couldn't help but smile.

After letting him talk for a little while longer, I shushed him by holding up a hand.

"Don't worry Juan, I'll get you out, promise. Just need to find out where the sheriff is..."

No sooner had I finished my sentence then the door opened, revealing exactly who I was looking for.

Sheriff Thomson.

"Ah, Sheriff Thomson." I turned on my heel, trying to have some authority. "I'm here-"

"To bail out your brother and his friends, I know. Hate to break it out to you, sweetheart, but they're not getting out anytime soon." He whipped his flask out, took a swig, and walked down the hall to what I assumed was his office type area.

I was fuming.

While Eduardo was laughing in the background (and Marco was laughing in Spanish) I stomped to where Thomson was.

"Excuse me? There has to be some amount of bail." I was trying not to let my anger shine through, but who was I kidding: I was mad.

"I thought I made it clear the conversation ended." Thomson teased, and the smirk on his face made he want to slap it right off.

"Well now it's continuing." I sneered. "I'm gonna get Juan and those two out no matter what it takes, I hope you know. I'll go to whatever length it takes."

I immediately regretted saying this when I looked at Thomson's face. ( ° ʖ °)

"Speaking of length, yours can't be long. So drop that smug look." I smirked myself, happy with my response that rendered him speechless.

"So, what'll it be, sheriff?" I taunted. "What can I do to bail my brother and his friends out?"

If he wasn't embarrassed before, Thomson sure was now.

"Uhh... $100." He stuttered and cleared his throat. "$100 for the bail. That's final."

I smiled, once again proud with my work.

"Thanks, sheriff." I said, ready to walk away right then.

"It's Thomson." He piped up, and I turned around to face him. "Just call me Thomson."

We especially liked writing this one (since we thought the premise was kinda cool) so thank you all for requesting and reading!

~ Isa and Cas

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