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I finally finished that assassination, it took longer then expected and I was annoyed by that. So as I walked to boss's office to get the papers to fill out about the assassination etc I did not think this day could get any worse.

Well I was wrong.

I walked into the office and the boss was talking to.... Nagisa Shiota.

Nagisa. The one person I never want to be paired up with on a assassination. He seems like a not bad guy. But I hate him. I hate him because he was basically born with the talent of assassination and I would never be that good.

It seems like I am jealous, and maybe I am, but I have always wanted that. And now he is in the boss's office and I don't know what to do. I have not seen him in years, and he seems.... different now.

I go over the boss's desk and sit in the chair next to Nagisa. They both turn to me stopping the conversation they were having.

I looked at the two then said, " I am here for my paperwork for then assassination I just came back from. What is Nagisa here for?" Boss answered " Your papers are in the glider over there," pointed to a folder on the corner of the desk. " And I am taking to Nagisa here, about a assassination that he should take. He would be gone for about a month though because of how long it will take, so we are letting him decide if he is up for it."

     " There is also one other part of the assassination that I did not tell you about, Nagisa. I was waiting for Karma to come back to tell you this, you need a partner. And we looked at how you have been doing in the field and we have decided that you and Karma are going to partners for this assassination."

    I don't get surprised but this is one of the moments that I did not try to not show it, I was surprised. And not ably that but Nagisa seemed surprised to. I thought that Nagisa would back down from the assassination, and I was hoeing he would at the same time. But what he said surprised me for the second time in one day.

" Lets do this assassination".

A/n : I hope you liked it it might not be the best start but it's something! Also should I continue this???
Oh! Forgot to say, all of the characters and pictures go to there respectful owners!
Ok! Peace! ( again )

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