Laser tag!

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I was so excited I felt stupid. I called the laser tag place and booked us for 7:00p.m. That's the type of date me and Nagisa would like. I went to Nagisa and I saw him sleeping in my bed. It was still early morning but I decided to call the place. I went up to his cute little face and kissed him on the forehead. He made a little groan as he woke up and looked up, seeing me lean over him he pecked me on the lips.


Karma is the man of my dreams. I wonder if we will have a story like prince and princess (A/n: this is going too be sooooo cheesy because this is the last happy chapter for a while ) I want him all for myself. Next thing I know Karma walks in with casual clothes. "Why are you wearing that?" I asked, because it seemed a little off considering we are going on a date.
"Oh, I wanted to tell you" he said "want to play laser tag?" He smirks.


I hope Nagisa liked the idea of laser tag. When I asked he seems pretty excited. So he quickly grabbed a t-shirt and pants and went to the bath room to change. As per usual he looked adorable, and then we went to go into the car. He did not know how to get there so I was the one driving.

We get into the parking lot and Nagisa's eyes light up in excitement. "I haven't done this in forever!" He said. I smiled and laughed and then said "well your going to lose big time, don't worry." Then I got out of the car before Nagisa could say anything and then went inside, because of Nagisa being shorter then me he had to jog to catch up with me. " Hey, your wrong I am going to beat you!" He said after he caught up and we were at the door.
" Surrrre you are" I said with sarcasm. Then I gave him a quick kiss and walked in.


I guess I never told them that I moved to Hawaii soon after we all went to college, oh well, weirdly enough I live across the street from where they are staying.


I was walking back from getting groceries when I heard familiar voices coming from across the street. "Nagisa I am going to get coffee, want any?" It sounded like.... Karma!? But why would he be here? And with Nagisa? I turn around and there he is, looking a lot taller, but the same old Karma. I went into my house and decided to look into it.  I (creepily) looked though the window of my house to see someone that was definitely Nagisa getting out of the house and rushing down the street, it is Christmas Day what was he even doing? I go back to my own business for a little while until I look out the window to see. Nagisa, now with a bag from the store running back to his house. Soon, the car Karma was driving comes back into the driveway and I put the pieces together.... they were getting each other presents, HAS MY SHIP FINALLY SAILED!?

End of random flashback

    Now I am watching them go on there first date, at the end of it I hope to talk to them so I can say we're I live etc.


    Once Karma and I were split into our separate teams, me being on the blue team, Karma on red, the game started. There were a few others in each team, and I know I was probably going crazy but as I hid behind a block I felt.... as if someone was watching me.

    I ran across the floor into the other sides area, hid behind a fake rock and waited. I then when I heard a slight noise I went over the side and aimed and fired. I hit my target of a red team player. I checked who was winning as if points, red or blue on my laser gun. Blue was winning by 2 players.


   As I was hiding I checked to see who was winning. I soon realized that blue was winning by 2 players, that was about to change. I turn to Rio and give her the signal.

      I ran into Rio as we were getting into our groups, and surprisingly enough we were on the same team, because she knew how I liked to take charge we both brought the team together to make a plan. Now she is going to find the rest of Nagisa's team and try to get them out while I get Nagisa.

    I roll behind another rack and bump into someone, we both hold up out laser guns and then I realized it was Nagisa.


     Crap! Why did I have to run into him, although this is our date I know I probably won't be able to beat him.... but I assess my situation and realize that he might be better then me at hand to hand combat but I am better at more long distance stuff. I got a shot a this. " I won't loose this, even if this is our date." I said, he said back " same here." Then he got a smirk on his face and came close to me and gave me a deep kiss, I forgot for a moment about the game and kissed back, for a second all seemed well until.... *beep-beep-beep* he got me.

    The game ended with the Red team winning by 1 person. I knew that Karma would not let this down, but I ended up laughing as we were leaving anyway because I had a great time anyways.

*** Mini time skip because I am getting lazy***

     As Nagisa and I were laying down that night I put my arms around his waist and said " I love you."
He answered back with

" I love you too."

I made this chapter extra long for all the days I missed so... yep. THANK YOU for the 700+ views it means a lot.



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