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We have finally learned more about the target even though it was though a rather creepy way. But it worked and no one found out so I don't mind.


" You really think this is the only way to get close to the target?" Nagisa asked as we got in the bushes of the target's house. " I have done this before and I worked, so we will try it now." I answered back. We sat at the bushes by the targets house for another hour or so while looking though the window.

And then the target got a phone call... " Hello?" He paused for the other person to speak. " Yes this is he." ( pause ) " Ok so the party is going on next week on Friday." ( pause ) " What time?" ( pause ) " 6? Okay I'll be there " and he ended the call. Even through we could not hear the whole conversation, we know that we have to get to know this guy in 8 days.

End flashback


So after finally getting some useful information on the target Nagisa and I are relaxing at the beach right by our house. I turn to Nagisa " Do you want to swim?" I asked him. "Sure!" He said excitedly.


     I jumped up out of my beach chair and took my shirt off, and started to run to the water. I turned around and Karma was right behind me he to took his shirt off and I turned back around and blushed.  STOP YOU MIGHT LIKE HIM BUT IF YOU DO HE DOES NOT. I shook my head and ran into the water.

     It was cold but it felt nice because of how hot it was today. I saw Karma run in and when he came back above the water he was shaking because of how cold he was. I started laughing because of how he looked. He glared at me and said " How are you not cold this water is freezing!" I answered by splashing him.

    He gave me a evil glare then gave me his devil face. " I'll get you for that !" He yelled and splashed me and I splashed back laughing. We kept doing this until a huge wave came and nocked     both of us down. I came up and I realized my hair was messed up. My hair ties were completely tangled in my hair and I could not fix them.

    When Karma came back up it was his turn to laugh. I poured and said " Stop laughing and help me!" He kept laughing but came up and helped me get the hair ties not tangled in my hair.

      Soon after we walked back to the house in a comfortable silence. When we got back to the house I opened the door and walked in I turned around and....



               Karma kissed me.

A/n: I know this is not that good but I am still sick. But now with a different thing. Yay😑 I also have had a lot of homework and swim meets all weekend so... overall a busy week also THANK YOU AGAIN for the 300+
Reads again this is my first( ish ) fanfic so I am probably overly excited about this but whatever! Anyway...


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