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A/n: Only a few chapters to go 😥 it will be Karma's prove this whole chapter


As I ran to the address I called Nagisa's good friend who lives in Hawaii, Kyano and told her the update on the knowing of the possible location. She seemed relieved and started to call my boss. As I wait impatiently for the people who are coming to help me rescue Nagisa, I think of all the good times we had together.... I can't let him die.

     Finally they arrive at Kyano's  house.  Without a second thought I push Nakumara out of the drivers seat and look at who else was with me. I glare at the person in the backseat, Okuda. Seriously the boss just had to have my ex girlfriend come on the mission to get my boyfriend!? I didn't care much though, I needed to get to Nagisa before anything else bad happens to him. I could tell that everyone could tell I wasn't waiting so Kayano went in the backseat and I drove off to the 45 minute drive to the address.

"So what is the plan for when we get there?? I mean we can't exactly just barge in. He could have this all rigged." Nakumara said from the passenger seat. "Well, barging in is the best plan we got. We all have weapons of some sort. And there are guns in the trunk if we need them, there in all of the company's cars." I said without taking my eyes off the road ahead. I can tell that they picked up in my tone of voice that there was no chance in changing my mind. And so we continued our way to the horrible area.

We pulled into the driveway of some sort of house in the woods. It was more like a shack actually. Although it wasn't like I cared very much, I got out of the car only to be stopped by getting held down by Okuda. I tried to get off her grip but she wouldn't budge, then I heard Kayano say "We are trying to help you, it's going to be bad down there. It will hurt you even more if you have to go and see Nagisa like that. So wait outside and make sure no backup from his side comes along ok?" I thought about it for a moment and realized they were right. So I nodded my head but then screamed "NAGISA KAYANO AND NAKUMARA ARE COMING EVERYTHING WILL BE OK" it may have been overdone but I wanted to make sure Nagisa knew he was safe.

*mini time skip brought to you by my tiredness*

I heard the ambulance coming down the road. I called them soon after everyone went into the shack and told them we were government assassins. They said they would get there as soon as possible. I salsa made sure the organization had people coming for Reggie to give him a death sentence. Now all there is to do is wait. .

I didn't have to wait long though soon enough I heard footsteps and sprinted over to Nakumara who was holding Nagisa. He looked horrible, but alive. I started crying and whispered "Nagisa, your ok now. I promise this will never happen again." The ambulance took him away and the organization took Reggie out in a police car.

Finally, Nagisa is safe


Ok the names and stuff are probably all mixed up or spelt wrong. I'm pretty tired though so you guys can't kill me for that. Anyway MY OFFER STILL STANDS I NEED HELP HERE DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEAS FOR A NICE WAY FOR A CHAPTER HAPPENING LIKE THREE YEARS LATER!? ( I would give you credit) anyway I will update tomorrow


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