Drunk Nagisa

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I don't know what came over me all I know is that I was stuck in the moment and couldn't help myself. I broke the kiss and looked at Nagisa. He was blushing and then he said " I-I got to go do... paperwork. " I don't know what to think of that.... should I not have done that?


I run in feeling like I need to have a drink of champagne and I do need to the paperwork. I pour the glass and went upstairs to my room, with the champagne.

An hour and 3 glasses later, I was feeling a little funny. I was sitting on my bed when the bottle of champagne spilled all over my bed. Where am I supposed to sleep tonight?

Karma broke the washer and dryer when he was trying to do the laundry. So we have been going to the laundromat to clean our clothes. By now it's closed. The couch is too small for others to sleep on, so I will have to ask Karma to sleep in his bed.... I guess.

I stumbled down the stairs where Karma was watching tv. "H-hey Karma." I said , I still felt weird. *hiccup* "I kinda spilled some drink on my bed, and th-the couch," *hiccup* " Is too small for people to sleep on. C-can I sleep in your bed? I hope it's not a big deal." I said hoping he would say yes.

Karma's eyes widened and he said, "Sure Nagisa" he answered slightly questioning.


I had to help Nagisa up the stairs. I didn't want him to fall and get hurt. I put my arms around him and carried him up bridal style. I placed him in my bed and watched him sleep for a little while then I joined him in the bed.

I stayed on one side of the bed for a little while, but I could not fall asleep so I turned towards Nagisa. His pigtails were falling out and he looked adorable. I softy started to play with his hair and after a little while I slid
closer and hesitantly put my arms around him. And I fell asleep easily.


    I woke up to a huge headache, when I opened my eyes I hissed. Then I noticed red in my face. And I felt arms around me and I quickly sat up and looked around and saw that I WAS IN KARMA'S BED!

   WHAT EVEN HAPPENED LAST NIGHT!? All I remember is drinking a lot of champagne.... wait and it was after Karma kissed me. DID WE DO ANYTHING!? well I won't know until Karma wakes up. I shiver and lay back down. I am again laying in his arms when I realized I want him to keep doing this....

A/n: I FINALLY FINISHED THE CHAPTER! I'll be back to my normal schedule this weekend and to make up for not writing sooner I will write another chapter today or tomorrow. My friend helped me write this one because I had no ideas.


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