**Preview** of the next chapter

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Today's the day, the day that we are going to Reggie's party and in the end assassinate him. In two days we are supposed to leave Hawaii, but I am going to ask Nagisa is we should stay, because I don't want to leave.

I get out of bed, trying not to wake up Nagisa, and go downstairs to make breakfast. The party is not until 9 at night, so we have the day to get ready and do what we want. I finished making the eggs and bacon and waited for Nagisa to wake up.

    He soon came downstairs and sat down at the table. His face lit up and he said " Thanks! Tomorrow I'll make breakfast ok?" I answered back with "Alright, oh we have to do the assassination today party's at nine." Nagisa sank down in his chair a little, " Ugh. That means that I am going to be dressed up as a girl for bait." He said, I then took the opportunity to tease him a little bit. " Oh, does that mean my little Nagisa-chan gets do wear a sparkly dress?" His face gout red and he said " I said not to call me with -chan anymore!" I just laughed and with my devil face ran upstairs.

A/n: HUMANS I AM SO SORRY! I JUST HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO GET MYSELF TO WRITE EVEN THO I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I WANT ON THE PAGE. Now, I want to write it and this chapter would have been full today if not for a slight issue. My sister is making me turn off my lights "to go to bed"( I am not actually going to go to bed ) and the thing is my parents make me put my phone downstairs at night although I do have my iPad but I don't have wattpad on it and if I tell you the truth do not know my password on wattpad so I can't write until tomorrow but I will have to posted by tomorrow!


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