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Today's the day, the day that we are going to Reggie's party and in the end assassinate him. In two days we are supposed to leave Hawaii, but I am going to ask Nagisa is we should stay, because I don't want to leave.

I get out of bed, trying not to wake up Nagisa, and go downstairs to make breakfast. The party is not until 9 at night, so we have the day to get ready and do what we want. I finished making the eggs and bacon and waited for Nagisa to wake up.

    He soon came downstairs and sat down at the table. His face lit up and he said " Thanks! Tomorrow I'll make breakfast ok?" I answered back with "Alright, oh we have to do the assassination today party's at nine." Nagisa sank down in his chair a little, " Ugh. That means that I am going to be dressed up as a girl for bait." He said, I then took the opportunity to tease him a little bit. " Oh, does that mean my little Nagisa-chan gets do wear a sparkly dress?" His face gout red and he said " I said not to call me with -chan anymore!" I just laughed and with my devil face ran upstairs.

*** time skip because I am a lazy person ***


It is only a hour before the party and I hate the get up that I have to wear today.... I can't wait to get this Assassination over and done with, although I don't exactly want to leave Hawaii, I'll talk to Karma about it after this is all finished.

I look at myself in the mirror and get annoyed by what I see, it's a frilly pink sparkly dress and my hair is down. I walk downstairs and see Karma and stop in my tracks. He was wearing a tux, and it looked really good on him. His hair was all nice and I could feel my face getting brighter by the second. Karma looks up from fixing his tie and says "Ohhhhh! Does Nagisa-Chan like the clothes I'm wearing?"

My face gets even more red, if that was even possible and I say " N-no it's j-just that I-I have never S-seen you wear stuff like that." Just great I had to stutter? Then Karma walked over to me and gave me a kiss, it wasn't like the other kisses we have had, it was long and when we split apart we were gasping for air.

" We have to go or we will be late for the party, got the gun and knife under your dress?" Karma said after, and I answered with, " yes, let's go and get this over and done with."

*** time skip to the party ***


I got out of the car with Karma and we walked into the party, the plan was after we got in I would go to the target, Reggie and send off signs that I " like " him from then on it should be easy, bring him into his room and before he could get nay farther kill him, Karma's here it make sure everything runs smoothly and if anyone tries to interfere kill them.

So Karma and I walked into the party and we both go out separate ways, I go to the dance floor to find Reggie while Karma makes sure no one seems suspicious.

I find Reggie on the dance floor and he already seemed drunk, easier for me I guess... but as I started talking to him and doing what I normally did something seemed wrong... I just couldn't tell what.


I felt the blood on my hands as I cleaned up the body, only had to kill two this time around.... better then usual. But as I cleaned my tracks before anyone could notice I checked the time and I realized that something was off... Nagisa should have been done by now and given me the signal that it was done. Something is not right.

I run upstairs to Reggie's room and find.....



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