Find him

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*1 month later*


Everyone has given up on trying to find Nagisa. The government said "Its part of the job, and if we can't find him you will have to move on." Now am the only one looking for him, because I know I can't lose him. I haven't gotten anymore clues, all of the leads I have gotten have just left me with dead ends. But, today might be the day that I could find something that could help me.


I am not going to let myself die, I know Karma will find me, he won't give up. That's why I always looked up to him, he might have said that I was always so good, but I always wanted to be like him, he was smart and could do whatever he wanted without caring about the consequences.

I smiled at the thought, even thought I am in a really bad spot right now I know I can't die Reggie might have beaten, and done even worse things but I will not go down.
I heard the door open, Not again I thought as I started crying. "How has my little toy doing? " Reggie said as he comes over and started beating me. "S-stop " my voice strained from screaming. "Why would I do that?" Reggie's answered back by whispering in my ear. I screamed, but I knew no one would hear.


     I walked up the steps to Reggie's mansion, I have came here so many times after what happened to Nagisa that I have lost count.

Flashback to a month earlier

"We have taken the house as part of
the investigation, you can use it whenever you like" Boss told me, I nodded my head and went inside hooping to find something, ANYTHING to help me find Nagisa.

End of small, random flashback

   I walked in the house and looked in the one place I haven't checked, the basement. I started searching for something and finding nothing of any importance. Until I found a single clue behind a cement block, a list. It looked  like a list of things you would bring to a trip. But what the list consisted of were horrifying, but at the end of the list was A address. This is the closest thing I have to finding my Nagisa. And I will find him. And once I do, Reggie will get the same treatment that Nagisa has been getting, I will make sure he dies a extremely painful death.

Have been having this like laziness in going and writing, like I know what I want to write but  I don't want to go put it in the page.... idk anyway I hope to start updating regularly again, I might publish a new story also anyway,

Peace !

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