Will you...?

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I got woken up by a shake, at first I got startled... Thinking it could be Reggie. Then I looked up to see Karma. I pecked him on the cheek and he smiled brightly. "Time to get up, first day of work." Karma told me, I looked over at the clock 7:45am we needed to be there by 8:00 it wasn't a huge deal though because it was the supermarket a short walk away. Karma gets his clothes for work and goes into the bathroom to change and get ready, while I go downstairs to make breakfast. Once I am done making the omelettes, Karma walks into the kitchen. I give him breakfast and run to go change myself.

I look at the clock 5 mins to get there on time. "KARMA IM GOING TO GET TO WORK BEFORE YOU" I run pass him and he follows locking the front door behind him. "Oh no you won't! " Karma yelled back at me while I turn the corner and can see the supermarket in sight. Karma, also Turing the corner passes me and gets to the employee entrance before I do. We both check in and work for the rest of the day.


Once out of work I decided today was the day I would would propose to Nagisa, so I walked up to him and asked "Um... Would you Li,e to go on a date with me tonight, we haven't done one in a while" Nagisa looked up at me and nodded his head, "sure I don't see why not, are you alright though?" I can feel my eyes widen, and quickly regained my composure. "Ya, just havent asked you out on a date in a while, that's all." He nodded his head slowly as if trying to convince himself that I was saying the truth.

We went into the house and both went our different ways to get ready for the date tonight, I went into my closet and pulled up the floorboard, with shaking hands I picked it up and put it in my jeans pocket. I told Nagisa not to put on very Fancy clothes, I plan on taking him star gazing tonight and propose then. I walk out of my room and meet Nagisa at the end of the stairs, I grab Nagisa's hand and walk him outside. I go and get a towel and bring him to the beach on the other side of our house.

I put the blanket down and Nagisa lays down with me, for a while we lay there cuddling until I get up. Nagisa looks at me weird but then I start talking. "You see Nagisa, when you said you would do that Assassination with me I never thought I would be in love with that very same Person I hated. But now I realized that I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you Nagisa. And I wish to spend my life with you."

I took the ring out and Nagisa nodded his head in a way of yes. I put it on his finger. And I knew I made the right decision.

A/n: HI I had soooo much fun writing this, there may have been some ups and downs but I have finally finished it thanks for everything and I also have another book called " I am a killer" another Karmagisa story but I hope you check it out. Thanks for everything again !


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