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       I wake up to someone nudging my shoulder, it was Nagisa. He said " Get up the flight is over." I looked around and everyone had already gotten off of the plane. I yawned and got up out of my seat, going to the overhead bin and getting Nagisa and my luggage. We walked by the window and saw that we were in Hawaii.


      I CANT BELIEVE THAT I FELL ASLEEP ON KARMAS SHOULDER. When I woke up I blushed and woke him up to, hopefully he fell asleep before me so he did not know about it. Anyway Karma and I have to find the house we are going to stay at this month.

      We got into the car, me being in the passenger seat and Karma being in the drivers seat. As we drove to the house Karma seemed off. Like when I tried to talk to him he acted the same he always did but it seemed like there was something bothering him. So I asked "What is bothering you?" He sort of stiffened up and took a second to answer, but he said " I- Nothing is bothering me. Why would you ask that?" It seemed like he was lying but I did not want to be bothersome so I said," It just seemed like that." After that it was quiet in the car.

*** mini time skip to house ***


We were unpacking in our rooms and I went over what happened during the car ride. I was bothered by what Nagisa said he is... sorry!? It makes No sense. I finished unpacking and walked down the stairs, I got to say the house was bigger then expected. Nagisa was at the kitchen making lunch and I sat down.

Nagisa turned around and asked "What do you want for lunch? You don't have to do that," I said back. Wait he deserves to do work for me so why am I being nice to him again!? Nagisa answered back "I cook all the time at home, it's no problem, really." I answered back " Okay, whatever your making already is fine."

As I waited for Nagisa to finish making lunch, I wandered around the house to see how big it was. It seemed to be a seriously fancy house. It had four bedrooms and at least two lounge type of rooms. I was about to go into my room, forgetting about lunch when I heard Nagisa say " lunch is ready," from downstairs.

" We did not have really anything to use to make anything so I made a breakfast meal for lunch." Nagisa told me as he set out the plates of pancakes.

"That's fine, just says that we need to go to the store soon. Oh, and Nagisa?Yeah?" He answered " When are we going to start the assassination? Oh, we are going to go to a cafe were the person works and going to try to get information on him." He answered, and then said " Don't say anything about what I will have to wear tomorrow, ok?" I thought about that, I did hear that Nagisa sometimes had to dress up as a girl for assassinations, I laughed and answered " I can't promise anything." He answered back defensively " It's not like I like to dress up as a girl! It's just easier." He was slightly blushing. " I can't wait to see that getup tomorrow." I said smiling as I went up to my room.

I realized I am going to have to hang out with Nagisa even more then I thought I would have to. And for some reason...

I don't mind.

A/n: Ok I made my deadline, I know this was not a very exciting chapter but I swear it will start getting exciting soon. I MIGHT update tomorrow but don't get upset if I do not. Anyway, hope you liked it!


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