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     So apparently I have no saying if I want to go on this assassination or not.
When Nagisa said those words I wanted to pretend that did not hear them. The ONE PERSON I did not ever want to be paired up with. Seriously how much worse can this day get!? 

     "Why don't I get a say I this?" Trying to keep my cool, but a tint of anger slipped through in my voice. "You can, we will just not care."  That was the last straw. I stood up and restraining myself from hurting anyone and walked out of the room. Because in reality I can't loose this job.


I wonder why Karma got so upset when I said we would do the assassination, yes I have always been able to tell he was mad/ jealous of me in SOME way but I could never tell why. But after I said that and his reaction I was questioning what he is mad at me for? I might go and ask him in some way before we go on a assassination when we will be forced to hang out together for at least a month but for now I will leave leave him be.

*** mini time skip ***

After I got out of the Boss's office with the papers for the assassination plans I spotted Karma leaning on the wall looking less angry then before when he stormed out. I walked up to him, hoping he will not get that mad at me.

Once I got in front of him he looked at me then said " what do you want ?" In a bitter voice, I decided that I will just give him the papers he left in the office and ask later why he always upset at me in some way, tomorrow right before we leave for the assassination. " I was was going to give you the papers you left in the office, and also tell you when you hours be ready for leaving to go on the assassination. " Oh." He replied in a sort of surprised tone, why would he be surprised? " Well tell me what time I have to be ready and we can meet at my house tomorrow, I'll give you my address."

       He wrote something down in a paper and handed it to me. I took it and gave him the papers that he left and said " I'll be there at 10 tomorrow, we have to go on a plane. And we are going to Hawaii for the assassination." " Okay, got it do we have a place to stay when we are going to be there?" Karma asked calming down a little bit. " Boss says that they have a house ready for us. I have the address." " Ok that works see you tomorrow." Karma said and walked away.


What was that!? I thought as I walked to my house. Why was I being so nice to him, I hate him so why is he still so nice to me? I kept thinking about those questions, as I went to bed and drifted off to sleep.

A/n : so if you can't tell I decided that I wanted to continue this. Hope you liked it!

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