The Boys

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Jim's POV
Y/n was strange. Very strange. Yet, I loved that. She had this way about her that made me high off her presence. I felt powerful. Invincible even, around her.

I needed y/n. I had to have her.

And nothing was going to stand in my way.

Not Sherlock, not Watson, no one.

Sherlock's POV
Who was y/n? I tried looking her up, but it said that she was dead. Killed in a house fire.

Y/n was born in Ireland where her parents died in a car crash when she was ten years old and her older brother cared and looked after her.

But how is she still alive?

And why did she need to fake her own death at the mere age of sixteen?

I need to know. I hate not knowing. Ask anyone.

John's POV
Sherlock didn't sleep.

He didn't eat.

He didn't talk.

He stayed in his mind palace or on the internet every hour of everyday.

I know why. I know what happened to him.


To the world, she doesn't exist. she's dead.

And that's eating away at Sherlock like a termite to wood.

And I hate that.

Jim's POV
I stood in my house. But not my house. It had an atmosphere that sent shivers up my spine.

I heard a noise and I turned around to see y/n standing there, looking at me with those big y/e/c eyes.

Those beautiful eyes.

And that beautiful smile.

I walked over to y/n but she stepped back. I stepped closer, she stepped back. We kept at it for what seemed like hours, but really, it was just mere minutes.

"Why won't you let me get close to you?" I asked, sincerity dripping from my voice as I reached my hand out.

"Because I fear if I do, you'll leave leave me like everyone else and I'll be broken hearted again." Y/n said with a look of terrible sadness. "And I promised myself I'd never be weak again." Then, she looked away from me.

--end of dream--

I woke up a sweaty, gasping mess. I thought about what y/n said in my dream, wondering if it was actually true. No, it couldn't possibly be true... I thought to myself, she's too perfect and cold to be that broken...

But, to be completely honest, that's how I started too. Everyone left and I shattered in a million pieces.

And I had that damned dream every night, but I wasn't going to let that stop me from being in y/n's life.

Sherlock's POV
I did it!

I found out why y/n faked her death.

I walked over to John and hugged him, earning a laugh and a hug back.

"What was that for?" He asked looking astounded that I did that.

"What? I can't hug my only friend?" I asked, being a smartass.

"You can. But you never do." John looked up at me skeptically, "what's up?"

"Me." He gave me a look that said 'I'm done' "also, I found out why y/n faked her death. she needed to escape that idiot of a brother she had. And I also believe that she was running from someone." I finished with a small grin on my face. This was good fun.

"Well don't get too excited. You saw y/n with Moriarty." John sat down on his chair. "They're thick as thieves. She probably won't betray him for anything." His cloudy blue eyes filled with concern for me. God I loved those eyes. I shook my head, getting rid of that embarrassing thought and sat down in front of John.

Then, the phone rang and when John answered, he said it sounded like a good case. I agreed to go then grabbed my coat to head out the door.

John stopped me before I could open the door.

"Please don't bring y/n up with Lestrade. Let's try and keep her secret for now." His beautiful eyes filled with something I could never ever deduce.


John's POV
I jumped when Sherlock hugged me but it felt good when he wrapped his long arms around me. So I hugged him back.

And when we were leaving I had to stop him so he wouldn't put anyone else in danger with information of y/n.

As I looked into his blue-green eyes, I smiled on the inside, happy and content with my life.

Anyway hi! Sorry for a shorter chapter, but I like it because it shows 'the boys' opinion on you.
I'll also probably post every few days because I have no life and get very extremely bored.
Okay! I hope you have a lovely day.
Stay cute! Byee

The Lovely Game // Moriarty  X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now