Oh Brother...

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Your POV
You were still standing in the same position your brother left you when Jean walked in.

"Jim said you were taking too long. Told me to come up and-" she saw your heartbroken face, "what's wrong?" She asked, sitting you both on the bed then putting an arm around you.

"My- brother-" you took in a shaky breath you didn't know you were holding. "He's Zachary. The servant."

"I always knew there was something off about him!" She scolded the ground, probably thinking of ways to kill him.

"And Jim," you didn't know if you were happy or sad about your parents. You hated them. But to think Jim did it? It felt weird. "He- he killed my parents." It felt different coming from your mouth. It felt like peanut butter, sticky and won't go down.

"But didn't you hate them?" She gave you a confused, yet sympathetic look. You were tired of those looks.

"Yes, but," you looked at the ground. "It feels weird thinking Jim did it. At the age of at least 13."

"Well, he was always a fast learner," Jean smiled hesitantly.

"But that isn't what's bothering me the most." You shook your head, telling yourself you'll think about it later. There were more pressing matters. "My brother knows I'm alive and now that he knows Jim and I are together he'll come after us. He'll probably start with you or your parents."

"Oh, we'll take care of him before he can do anything." She stood and started pacing. "Just continue packing, and let the Moriarty's figure it out, don't worry." She smiled and walked out, leaving you alone again.

You hated being alone.

Jim's POV
I'm going to bloody kill him.

He told y/n about what I did to her- their, parents. And now she's heartbroken.

But it had to be done. They needed to die. That was one of my first jobs, when I was 15. I knew that they had kids. I knew what they did to them. I just didn't know that I would grow up and fall in love with their patched-up daughter then break her again.

I truly am an awful person.

Your POV
You finished packing then went downstairs to find Jim staring intently at the wall. There was a square bulge in his pocket. It's probably not... is it? Your mind raced with thousands of thoughts as to why you two shouldn't get married. But it raced with millions more as to why you should.

You made up your mind after a minute of thinking: if he did ask, you'd say yes. But if he didn't, you wouldn't ask about it.

"Oh hi, y/n," Jim smiled, but you could tell his mind was in another world.

"Hey, what's wrong?" You rubbed his arm.

"Nothing, other than your brother," he made a sour face. "I told mum and dad to take care of him. They said they'll get right on it." He took your hand and rubbed circles absentmindedly. "Oh and also Jean said you can have the car out front. She's gonna have her girlfriend, Alicia, pick her up."

"Really?" Jim nodded yes. This was the first good news of the day. "Oh joy! Thank you, Jim for doing that." You breathed in a sigh of relief. You needed to tell Jim you knew, you had to get it out. You always loved secrets, but not when they're about you. "Jim I need to tell you-"

Jim cut you off; "no, I need to tell you something y/n." He had true sadness in his eyes. "I know that you know that I was the one who killed your parents. I'm sorry you had to find out like that. I was stupid as a 15 year old. I knew that they beat you guys and I thought I was doing you a favour. But I guess not." He looked at the ground, pain writer clearly on his beautiful face.

You realized something, "I'm not mad."

Jim looked up at you and said, "what?"

"I'm not mad," you smiled. "I hated them. You did do me a favour. I may have been stuck with my putrid brother after, but at least I could knock him out and say it was the liquor." Your smile turned upside down for a while, but it grew bigger than before now. Jim had a small smile on his face too. "I guess it bugged me for a minute that you were the one who killed them. But I'm fine with it. I wish I coulda' gotten to them first." You laughed because the thought filled you with an emotion you couldn't place. After all, you were learning these things.

"I-" Jim was at a loss for words. That's a first! You giggled. "I love you so much," he said then leaned over the table and kissed you.

"I see you two have made up- or should I say made out?" Jean said, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Shut up," Jim rolled his eyes.

"But yes, we've made up." You smiled at him. "Also," you looked at Jean, "thanks for Baby." You winked.

"Who's Baby?" Jean asked, confused.

"Well someone hasn't seen Supernatural." Jim chuckled.

"BABY IS DEAN'S 1967 CHEVY IMPALA AND SHE'S ONE OF THE BEST CHARACTERS!" If Jim didn't stop you now, you would go on a full rant.

"Oh, does Baby-" she was cut off by Jim.

"No, don't ask questions, just say ok and walk away," Jim warned her.

"Ok." She got up. "Ok." And she walked out.

"I had que cards this time!" You whined, looking through brightly colored notecards.

Jim sighed, "you were scaring her."

"Well good, people should be afraid of the Supernatural fandom." You nodded. Jim burst out laughing. "What?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You're- unbelievable," Jim managed to say in between laughs.

"Yep!" You giggled because Jim's wonderful laugh was contagious.

After about five minutes of straight laughter, Vanessa came in, "what is so bloody funny?"

"Oh nothing," Jim sighed, a huge smile still on his face.

"Whatever," she sat down in front of you and Jim, "Zachary- he," she frowned, "he got away. We don't know when, he's not on any of the cameras and there's no fingerprints. He's vanished."

"What?" Jim's smile had turned into a frown as he almost screamed in anger.

"Don't yell at me young man." Vanessa raised a deadly eyebrow. "I went looking for him right after you told us. He was no where."

"That's because he was in y/n's room! I knew I should've taken care of him when I had the chance," he huffed.

"You wouldn't have been able to find him either. We have the same resources." Vanessa was almost yelling at her son now.

"Stop! The both of you!" You stood up. "If we're going to find him, then we're going to need to work together." You turned to Vanessa, "if he ever comes back, or even steps foot into Cork Republic of Ireland, I take it you'll know?" She nodded. "Good. Jim, if he comes to England then we'll both know. I've also got some spies in America so we'll know there. But I do think I know where he would go. My brother and I aren't that different." You took a breath and looked at the two of them. "I'll go alone. See if he'll listen to me." You walked out, but turned around before you left. "You have cameras?"

"Yes. They're in every hallway and the kitchen and living areas. Not in the bedrooms or bathrooms, we're not that crazy." Vanessa gave a reassuring smile.

"Ok," you looked at Jim and smiled softly, "I love you."

"I love you too, y/n. Be careful. Please," he gave you a sad smile.

"When am I not?" You grinned and walked out, preparing yourself for where you were going and who you were seeing.

There we go!
Thank you guys SO much for 200+ reads! I love all of you!!
I'll be posting a bit more, I hope, because I've got 2 weeks off of school!
Yay Christmas!!
See you soon my little psychopaths!

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