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Jim's POV

Everything was falling into place perfectly. It was going to be so spectacular once executed. Sherlock will have no idea what hit him.

The only problem was y/n. I told her I would be back before noon tomorrow, I wish that were true. I just had no idea how to tell her. So I won't. I'll just leave a note full of my love. That's romantic right? I do feel bad for what might happen up on the roof. I don't know how she'll take it. 

The girl next door who watched me get ready. My competitor for jobs. My love. My everything.

I wrote the note as soon as I knew what had to happen. It contains my most private feelings, thoughts, and tells about those strange dreams I had at the beginning of our relationship about her. I'm astounded myself at how moving and love-soaked it was.

As I got my Rich Brook outfit on, I read through the note again, making sure it covered everything.

Dearest y/n,

Remember our first date? You were so beautiful...

Your POV

You went to your room and changed into a regular shirt and jeans. You were going to find Jim and make him tell you everything, even if it took all night.

You walked out the door and was greeted by Moran. 

"Y/n, you know I can't let you do this right? You have to stay here," he said.

"I have to go and if that means fighting you then I will. I already had you tied down once tonight."

"Please don't do this, for both of our sakes."

"Sebastian Moran I can do whatever I damn well please now move out of the way!" You screamed. You're emotions were so out of whack that you had absolutely no idea how you actually felt. It felt like your heart and brain was screaming at you, wanting answers, and wanting them now.

He sighed and pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to you. It was a note from Jim, you recognized that beautiful handwriting anywhere. 

Dear Moran,

Please keep y/n at the house. If anything were to happen to her I don't think I'd be able to do what I'm going to do. Knowing that you're watching her gives me peace. I love her so much. Can you believe that? I love her. Never thought that would happen, am I right?

It has been a pleasure working with you. I do hope you continue in your line of expertise, you are quite good at it.


James Moriarty

You reread it over and over again trying to make sense of it. It sounded like he was saying goodbye; but why would he need to say goodbye? What was he going to do? The same questions kept popping up in your head.

"When did you get this?" You asked, infuriated that he hadn't shown it to you earlier. "And what does it mean?" You asked, your voice softening a little.

"He gave it to me before he left and said show it to her if she says she is leaving the house. I have no idea what it says. But I'm supposed to keep you here. So please, stay here."

You didn't want to, but it seemed like you had no choice. Jim wanted you here. So you had to stay here. "Okay, I'll stay."

"Good," he smiled weakly. "Now let's go to bed, it's been a long day. Plus Jim did say he'll be back tomorrow."

Oh right, you had completely forgotten about the note he left. 

You decided to sleep in Jim's bed for the night. You climbed in and took in his scent. As you closed your eyes you pictured his cocoa brown eyes closing into a blissful sleep.

The Lovely Game // Moriarty  X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now