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Ok I'm so so so sorry I didn't post!
I was busy with family and stuff.
I don't really know when I can post next cause I have a mid-term next week, but I will find time!
I hope you like this chapter!!
--talk of abuse, skip to to end if you don't like that--

Your POV
You took Baby and drove to the dreaded place.

Your old house.

There's no where else Zach would have gone. You know that for sure. He loved that place ever since your parents died. It became his fortress. His palace. The place he brought his whores home. Even though you were in the other room.

As you got closer and closer, your mind flooded with all bad memories.

-memory; narrators POV-

Y/n came home from secondary school to see Zachary making out with a blond girl. She tried to sneak into her room, but was not quiet enough.

"Hey sis!" Her brother yelled, shoving the half-naked girl off him. Y/n turned around to face him. "I told you to come home after 7. It's 4:30. Why didn't you listen?" He took a swig of the half empty beer he was carrying.

"I wanted to drop off my bags," she said, lying well.

"I told you to do something so that means you should do it. I don't care if you want to drop off your bags, I told you not to come so you shouldn't have." He was standing inches from her now. Y/n could smell the alcohol and cigarettes on his breath.

"I'm sorry." She looked down and waited for the slap to come. But it didn't.

Only the sound a flame makes.

And before either of the siblings knew what was happening, their whole apartment was on fire.

-end memory; your POV-

You shuddered at the memory. And before you knew it, you were at your destination.

The beat up place before you looked like the exact same, but maybe with a few more broken windows and beer cans lying around.

You walked in, head held high. You told yourself over and over not to be afraid.

Don't look weak or else he'll pounce.

You walked up the creaking steps to your floor. It smelled like mold and flames, either from cigarettes or the fire that drove you out.

You got up to the door and opened it slowly. You walked inside and saw your brother, and a blonde boy making out, just like that day. Except, you weren't going to just stand there and make a fool of yourself.

"Have I interrupted something?" Your voice boomed in the empty building.

"No sister dear, me and Georgie are just here to scare you." Zach said, then got up off of George's lap. "You can leave now, sweets. And don't loiter around the door, I wouldn't want you hearing this long over due conversation." Your brother smiled as his boyfriend? Lover? Accomplice? walked out.

"What the hell do you want Zach?" You asked after the blonde left.

"Nothing," he smiled. "But the question is: what do you want? You're the one who sought me out. I was just doing my job at Mr. and Mrs. Moriarty's house." He sat down on the moth-eaten couch.

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