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Angelo sighed at the sound of his mother shouting for him to wake up from the bottom of the stairs. Forcing himself to sit up, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stared tiredly out the window. It was still dark out.

He never did like waking up before the sun rose; it didn't feel natural. It wasn't natural, he decided, and he didn't like the fact that he was forced to wake up and go to school at such an unreasonable time.

He raised his hands up above his head, stretching, arching his back and groaning quietly. He didn't quite want to leave the comfort and solitude of his bedroom. He never did. But he had to, of course, and so he stood up.

His feet felt cold against the wood of his bedroom floor, and it was then that he realized he had left the window open the night before. It was October, after all. Of course it was going to be cold early in the morning.

He paced forward to the window, looking out at the darkness that would await him when he set foot outside in an hour or so. The street lamps practically burnt through the early morning fog, and when Angelo sighed softly, he could see his breath.

A soft 'meow' from the black cat at his feet brought him back to reality, and he closed the windows before promptly reaching down to pet the cat lightly. "Good morning," He said quietly before striding across the room and flicking the light on.

His mother shouted for him again, and he rubbed his eyes, shouting right back. "I'm up, ma!" He called, glancing at himself in the mirror before walking across the hallway to the bathroom, turning the faucet on.

After brushing his teeth and at least twenty minutes of applying his makeup, Angelo wandered back to his bedroom and changed clothes, heading downstairs.

His father had already left for work, and his mother was tidying up the kitchen. Angelo never was talkative, especially in the morning. So, his mother didn't even bother attempting to start a conversation. She knew it would go nowhere.

When it came time, Angelo grabbed his backpack and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. Bidding his mother goodbye, he slipped his boots on and sauntered out the door, starting off down the street in the direction of the complete and utter Hell that was his high school.

He wasn't looking forward to anything, needless to say. His favourite teacher had gotten fired- only because she got arrested, which, wasn't much a surprise, given she did smoke pot. She was doomed to get caught eventually.

She had been the only teacher that made the school day somewhat bearable for poor Angelo. He didn't have many friends, after all, and his teachers were all quite bitchy and irritating.

The day drawled on ever so slowly until eventually, eighth period rolled around.  To make Angelo's already awful day even worse, he was late to English class since he had spent the past ten minutes in the bathroom, rinsing himself off since someone had bumped into him at lunch, spilling fuck only knows what all over his favourite sweater.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I-" Angelo started, tensing up. Everyone was staring at him, of course. Only because he was late, but still. He hardly cared, too distracted by the new English teacher. He was as far as it got from what Angelo ever would have expected, but he did suppose his school didn't have many options at the moment..

The man standing at the front of the room had to have been at least six feet tall. His hair was jet black, and his skin was pale- maybe even paler than Angelo's. He wore a white button down shirt without a tie, and surprisingly enough, he was heavily tattooed. On top of all that, he had his lip pierced three times, a full face of makeup, and stretched ears.

"Sorry.." Angelo whispered awkwardly, blinking slowly. The teacher quirked an eyebrow, folding his arms across his chest. "And you are..?" He trailed off expectantly. Angelo swallowed thickly. "Angelo Parente. I'm sorry I'm late." He said softly.

The teacher pointed to the only empty desk. "You've apologized three times. Have a seat, and see me after class." He said calmly, turning back to what he was writing on the whiteboard.

Angelo blinked, running a hand through his hair as he made his way across the room, sitting down quietly. His blue eyes scanned over the name written on the board in handwriting consisting of purely capital letters; Mr. Motionless. How.. interesting..? Unusual, rather. That couldn't possibly be his real last name.

His voice sounded almost.. quiet, but strong despite it. He spoke loud enough for the back of the room to hear, but unlike other teachers, he didn't sound like he was shouting. He sounded like silk. Like a spider's web, Angelo decided. Class seemed to drift by much quicker than usual.

Angelo nearly forgot he was supposed to stay back. When the bell rang, he was halfway out the door when Mr. Motionless placed a hand on his shoulder. "Mr. Parente, is it? I believe I asked you to see me, now, may I have a minute? Rest assured, it wont take long at all," He said, looking down at Angelo, who had never felt so small.

"Yeah," He said quietly, feeling almost like a child standing in front of his new teacher, who practically towered over him. "Alright, yeah."

Mr. Motionless smiled sweetly, but
it lacked.. something. "Thank you." He stated, pulling the door closed. "I had already spoken to the rest of the class, but seeing as you were late.." He trailed off, clasping his hands. "I don't tolerate backtalk, sass, or anything similar, and I most certainly do not tolerate anyone being late to my class." He said, "I'll let you off with a warning today though, Angelo." He said simply, "I expect you'll be on time tomorrow, though. If you fail to be through this door when the bell rings, I'm afraid I'll need you to stay after, are we understood?"

"Ah-" Angelo mumbled, looking up at the taller male through the curtain of his bangs. "Yes, sir. Wont happen again. Promise." Angelo said, though, for whatever reason, he had no intentions of keeping that promise.

For whatever reason, he just wanted to be a pain in the ass. Which was extremely unlike him; Angelo had never been one to misbehave.

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