♗ | cooperation

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Just as Angelo had expected, Ryan finally managed to calm down with Ricky right beside him. He still felt awful, though, because even with Ricky there, Ryan still seemed distressed. He didn't do much aside from clinging to Ricky and whimpering.

"Where's Devin?" Chris inquired, peering at Angelo as he took his jacket off and set it over the back of the couch.

Angelo sighed. "The bathroom. She wanted to take a shower." He stated, rubbing the back of his neck and watching Ricky try to keep Ryan relaxed. "Is anything else wrong with him..?" He asked softly.

Chris pursed his lips. "His eyes." He said. "But if Devin's willing to cooperate with me," He grumbled. "That can be fixed."

"Wait," Angelo said. "What's wrong with his eyes?" He asked. Chris sighed. "I couldn't be more confused on that. All I know is that it's a sort of.. connection break. Think of it like plugging a computer in to another device for syncing, or whatever it is kids do these days.. Fuck, I'm old.." He muttered. "You're the computer, he's the other device. You need a cord, sometimes, to sync things. If the cord breaks, the connection is lost. Your eyes wont match his if you need him. It's all very confusing." He said, waving his hands as he spoke.

"Can he see?" Angelo asked worriedly. Chris quirked an eyebrow. "You're asking me.. if someone that isn't me.. is capable of seeing right now. Think about that a moment, love."

Angelo blinked. Whining, he smacked Chris's shoulder. "Shut up," He huffed, crouching down beside Ryan. "Ry? Can you see..?"

"Yeah, sort of.." Ryan sniffled. "It's.. It's all shades of blue, though. Like your eyes." He said softly, nuzzling Ricky's shirt and clinging to the other.

Devin wandered from down the hall, a towel wrapped around her torso, and another around her hair. "What did I miss?" She asked, humming. "Is Vinny here yet? Because he should be, and I don't want him getting lost-"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Chris groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "First you bring a reaper- that's going to draw attention,- then you get this shit,-" He said, flailing an arm at the paint-like substance on the floor. "All over Angelo's house,- drawing more attention,- and now you're bringing one of your dogs? Which is even more attention? What were you thinking?" He practically growled.

Devin pout. "I'm thinking," She said, "That the more help we have, the easier it'll be to keep your dearest Angelo out of harm's way." She said. "Besides, Vinny's useful!"

"Useful for you in the goddamn bedroom, yes, but do you really think it's a good idea bringing him into all of this?" Chris sneered.

"Why not?"


"Shut. Up." Angelo stated, waving his arms drastically to get everyone's attention. "Shut the fuck up." He said. He wasn't a particularly loud person. Not usually. But with all of the stress and pressure put on him lately,- and, of course, upcoming algebra exams he had already decided he'd likely end up failing,- Angelo was a time bomb waiting for the pin to be pulled.

"You two," He said, pointing to Devin and Chris. "Fix Ryan." He said. There was silence for a moment, and Angelo sighed. "Please." He added.

Chris tucked a strand of hair behind Angelo's ear, leaning down a bit to be at eye level. "Of course, Angel. My apologies for Devin's behavior." He paused. "And, my own. We'll fix Ryan up, and then we'll deal with all of.. this.." He sighed. "If Vinny shows up while we're doing this, just.." He trailed ofd, shaking his head. "I don't really know."

"Any multicoloured cereal keeps him busy," Devin spoke up. "He likes to separate it into the different colours." She shrugged.

"Right." Angelo said softly, rubbing his eyes.

Chris stepped forward, easily scooping Ryan up off of the ground. He whimpered and whined, of course, trying to cling to Ricky, who was quick to stand up. "Shhh.. It's okay, I'm here.." Ricky said, and Ryan let a small sob slip, likely from any physical pain he was experiencing.

"Devin, come on." Chris murmured. "My room's at the end of the hall upstairs," Angelo noted. "You can do whatever you need to up there."

"It's rather unfortunate that the first thing I'm doing in your bedroom isn't you," Chris mumbled, smirking and watching Angelo's cheeks light up before walking off down the hall, Devin and Ricky trailing behind.

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