♗ | disarray

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A/N: this chapter's italics mean it is a dream, not a memory. just so you know.

Angelo slid his hands into his pockets as he wandered down the street in disarray. It was so dark, and so damn cold.. Oddly enough though, he wasn't focused on the dark, nor his confusion.

He was relaxed, for the most part. Not that he should have been, given the distorted world around him. Buildings were upside down, any words he saw were out of order, and the clocks all appeared to melt away whenever he payed them a glance.

He tried to read a sign he saw, remembering something he'd been told before. That some humans can read drastically misspelled words so long as the first letter was still in place.

In a nutshell, it was something along the lines of "Death To All Witches," and Angelo took that as his cue to walk himself elsewhere.

"You seem upset," Angelo noted softly, still half asleep. "What's wrong?" He mumbled. Chris flicked his tail side to side, like cats tend to do before they pounce. His eyes were bleeding but he didn't seem focused enough on that to care.

"Things are happening sooner than I guessed." He grumbled. "Witches are being targeted even in the Underworld now. Nowhere's safe for us anymore with whatever the fuck Heaven is planning," He mumbled.

"Did someone die-..?" Angelo asked softly. Standing up, Chris made a beeline for the door. "A friend of mine. Surprise surprise," He half-hissed. "His name was Spencer. He never hurt anyone- they're killing for no damn reason. I-"

The ringing of his cellphone cut him off, and he answered immediately. Angelo could hear frantic chatter on the other end, but he couldn't understand what was being said. He sensed it was Vinny's voice, though.

"What do you mean by that? Any? Did they hurt her? Slow down, repeat what you just said." There was a pause, and Chris growled, "They did what?" as the lamp on the nightstand burst into flames. "How broken are we talking, here? Everything is still attached though, right? What are you, a magician? Where the hell are you? Right now, I mean. I can't bring Angelo there, can- No. No, don't bother. I need him anyway.. Give me twenty minutes. Don't touch her, you'll make it worse. I know you want to help. No, don't. Twenty minutes." He said before hanging up, starting to dial another number while pacing the room and shoving things into what looked like a military bag, all while gesturing for Angelo to go fetch Ryan and Ricky, which, he did immediately.

"What happened, and where are we going?" Angelo questioned as Chris ushered he and the two familiars out the front door.

Heaving a sigh, Chris began to explain. "Our once neutral pureblood vampire allies- and a whole slew of other creatures, not as a whole,- have abandoned us, so to speak. It's- quite literally,- a witch hunt. We're being slaughtered or enslaved one by fucking one, because rather than our enemies training their own for use, it's much easier for them to take witches of already high ranking. Spencer was killed a few hours ago by a demon. Spencer was a demon as well- it isn't right. He worked so hard to get to- never mind.

Anyway. Like you and I, Devin was quite high on the rankings. Vinny called me rambling about vampires trying to side with Dev. She denied, and they broke her wrists. I don't know how Vinny managed to do it, but he got her out of there in one piece. This is Seventh Level Underworld we're talking; that place is fucking toxic unless you're used to the air. I'll be fine, and Ricky and Ryan shouldn't have an issue. it's you I'm worried about." Chris muttered as ht trudged along.

Angelo pursed his lips. Everything was happening so fast..

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