♗ | hell

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Angelo opened his eyes slowly, sitting up a bit and looking around. Chris's room, he had decided. It just screamed his personality; lacking light. Ryan was curled up at the foot of the bed, fast asleep with Ricky beside him.

Smiling a bit, Angelo reached down a bit and pat Ryan's head.

The room smelled vaguely of candles and leaves in the autumn. It wasn't bad, just not a mix that would seem normal. He had to note the lack of windows in the room, the only doors of which were located on the left wall. It was a spacious room, but it had an eerie feel. Angelo wasn't sure how Chris could ever sleep somewhere so dark.

Ryan seemed comfortable enough, though. He did have his beloved Ricky with him, after all.

Jumping at the sound of one of the two doors opening, Angelo glanced over and immediately clamped a hand over his eyes, not wanting to be rude. Chris must have taken a shower; it would explain the lack of clothes.

"Jesus Christ-" Angelo muttered. Chris gave a hum. "Not really. But I hear he's in Hawaii if you'd rather look there," He said. "Why so surprised, Angel?"

Huffing, Angelo grumbled, "You're naked. I mean, you could have warned me or-" "I'm not shy," Chris cut him off. "Besides, it isn't like I have anything to hide. Bodies are bodies, dearest. The only difference is that I have horns and a tail, and well, you don't."

Angelo could swear his cheeks were on fire, then. "Just put some clothes on, would you?" He whined.

Chris heaved a dramatic sigh. "As you wish." He said, getting himself dressed in the typical attire he would have worn to teach Angelo's English class. "You can move your hand now, if you'd like. Unless you find it comfortable to keep it there. But I do so like to see those blue eyes of yours," Chris mused.

Slowly, Angelo removed his hand from his eyes and swung his legs over the side of the bed, looking up at Chris. He examined his horns, admiring them briefly. He had known Chris had those; he'd seen them before. Eyes trailing downward, Angelo took note of the tail that he hadn't previously acknowledged. It was indeed there, though, wrapped around Chris's leg. The barb on the end of it still scraped the floor, though, even in spite of the positioning.

"Looks heavy," Angelo thought aloud. Chris shrugged. "It is, but I'm used to that. It's just a chore having to sharpen it, though. Always scraping it on the damn floor takes quite a toll," He grumbled, gesturing to all the scrapes on the floor that resembled claw-marks.

Nodding a bit, Angelo looked down, rubbing the back of his neck. "Are you upset with me?" He asked. "About earlier.. I didn't mean to invade or anything, I couldn't help it.." He murmured.

"I'm not angry," Chris reassured him. "But you wore yourself out quite a lot, now, didn't you?" He sighed, red eyes looking Angelo up and down. "You're so pale. You look sickly.." He noted. He could hear Angelo's heartbeat, and he'd be able to a mile away.

Similar to vampires, demons would be just as keen on hearing heartbeats, blood rushing, and finding veins easily. Like vampires,- like sharks,- Chris would have been quick in finding his way to the smell of blood.

If it were Angelo's, anyway.

Unlike vampires, demons didn't tend to.. bite. If someone was already bleeding, that was a different story. But they'd very rarely actually bite anyone.

"Yeah.." Angelo mumbled, not looking up. Chris ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek, asking, "Are you feeling any better?"

"I think so," Angelo nodded. "I don't feel like death anymore." He mumbled, finally looking up.

Chris leaned down a bit, raising a hand to rest on Angelo's jaw as he examined the other's face. "That's good." He said.

Angelo bit his lip. "Can I ask you a question?" He spoke up. Chris nodded, letting his hand fall back to his side before turning and striding across the room to relight a candle that had blown out.

"Why do you look like this here? I always thought you were human." Angelo said. "Well.. A witch."

Chris laughed. "I'm not, by any means, human. My father was a demon, and my mother was human. In most cases, spawn of demon and human turns out human. It's just how things tend to work. But it was different with me, obviously. I'm a demon. I was born in Hell." He said.

"As for why I look like this here, and nowhere else? I can't suppress it here. In Limbo or on Earth, us demons can appear human if we so desire." He said. "Hell is, in a way, hexed. Demons aren't allowed to look human- it's considered a crime since we could easily be trying to hide our identities. Even if I tried, I couldn't hide. It takes so much energy down here." He explained.

Angelo just nodded. "Right.." He murmured, leaning back on the mattress and looking up at the ceiling.

"Why do you ask? You don't find me repulsive, I know that much.. Do you hate it, though?" Chris inquired curiously.

"No.." Angelo said, closing his eyes. "I think you're very handsome like this." He responded honestly.

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