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If it weren't for Ryan's overly focused staring, emerald orbs locked on Angelo curiously, he would have merely passed everything off as him just dreaming. But, then again, he woke up on the couch in his English teacher's house.

Chris was sat in the armchair across from the couch, fussing with the string from the bag of tea submerged in the cup he held. "Look who finally woke up," He mused, startling Ricky who had been half asleep in the windowsill.

Ryan just glanced, leaning forward a bit. Superb balance was the only thing keeping him from falling forward, being perched on the arm of the couch.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, Angelo." Chris said, setting his tea aside. He uncrossed his legs and stood up, only making Angelo remember the feeling of being so.. small. Chris was tall, but it didn't help that Angelo was laying down.

Ryan shifted back into the form of a cat and hopped off the couch, turning to Angelo as if asking for confirmation. Tucking some hair behind his ear, Angelo glanced at Ricky, who was watching Ryan. "Go 'head.." He finally said softly before Ryan went bounding off after the blue eyed cat.

Angelo sat up slowly, swinging his legs over the edge of the couch. "This is.. It's real. I'm not asleep..?" Angelo said, contemplating trying to slap himself just to make damn sure he was awake.

"No, my dear. This is perfectly real, and you are indeed awake, love." Chris said. "I'm sure you've got questions.." He trailed off, clasping his hands behind his back and looking down at Angelo. "Don't be afraid to ask away. We have all the time in the world, you know. It's been nearly an hour, but if you'll look at the clock a moment.."

Angelo did look at the clock, deadpanning upon realization that not but five minutes had seemed to have passed. That couldn't be right. No, it couldn't be. Taking his phone out, he checked the time. And yet again, it read 2:55. "How did you-.. I just-.." He trailed off, shaking slightly.

He cloud see Chris's devious little smirk, but oddly enough, it didn't bother him. It intimidated him even more, though.

"Your eyes- Why did they-..?" Angelo whispered.

Chris kept on smirking, eyeing Angelo. "When my abilities come into play, my eyes change. The basic colour is purple, but because I have a stronger bond with my familiars, it takes on their colours. With Mike's ref and Ricky's blue, I get a mix of both. Your eyes would turn green if ever you needed to assert any sort of dominance over Ryan," He paused. "Then again, he's a well behaved little thing, and you have the dominance of a daisy.. So I suppose Ryan was quite the match for you." Chris explained.

Angelo felt the colour rise to his cheeks, but he tried to ignore it. "The clocks.." He mumbled.

Chris shrugged his shoulders. "Time manipulation is one of my strong suits." He purred. Angelo's eyes widened. "Is that why I'm always late to your class?" He half-squeaked.

His teacher only snickered. "It could be. I find playing with you quite entertaining." He said. "So I'm guessing you know the sub teacher we had the other day in history?" Angelo inquired. Chris quirked a brow. "Sub teacher, hm?"

Angelo bit his tongue briefly. "Kinda tall lady.. Short dress, huge heels.. Everyone was staring at her ass.." Angelo droned. Chris pursed his lips. "Of course. Always getting in my way," he muttered. "That snake likely wants you on their side as well.."

"Who's their-..? I'm confused.."

Chris heaved a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose out of habit. "Everyone wants a piece of you, Angelo Parente."

Angelo was at a loss for words. "Whoever you think I am, just.. There's no way. It's impossible." He stated, and Chris tilted his head. "Mike is a dog, love. And a special one at that. Warlocks and witches, they've got a certain smell to them. Like flowers, sometimes, and Mike is never wrong about these things. So I know you're who everyone is looking for, even if you don't believe me yet." He said.

"Where did you come from?" Angelo murmured. Chris ran his tongue over his lip piercings. "Somewhere that, like everywhere else, wants you on their side. You can't trust Ghost, or anyone else.." He said.

"And why should I believe you? What makes you my best option?" Angelo said. Chris leaned down to be at eye level, but somehow that only made Angelo feel even smaller if it were at all possible. "I can name a number of reasons if you'd like. Your Ryan likes my Ricky- quite a lot, and I'm sure he would be quite unhappy- depressed, even,- if you were to separate them. And I know Ryan enough to know he'd overwork himself right into exhaustion." He paused, giving Angelo time to process it.

"Ghost would only want you for your soul and your auras. Simply put? That group would want your power, not you alone. I, on the other hand, would greatly prefer to keep you in tact, physically and mentally." Chris said, pausing yet again and watching Angelo's expressions change as he thought on it. Just adorable.

"Shall I go on, dear? Or do you think you understand now?" Chris asked. Angelo bit his lip. "I believe you.." He said softly, running a hand through his hair. Chris hooked a finger under Angelo's chin. "I'm glad to hear that." He said, that damned smirk returning to his lips. "I look forward to working with you, Angelo."

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