♗ | start to fall

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A/N: gonna try and update I'll Be There a lot. bc y'know, it's happier or whatever. also, probably just ?? skipping school friday ?? we aren't doing anything, like damn. i don't wanna go 'school, school, christmas eve.....' whatever.

also. little rant. DUDES. i swear to fuck. i've been listening to Get Scared for like. so long now. but do you ever have those times where songs just sound REAAAAALLY GOOD?! bc thats me rn. like don't get me wrong, i love nick and i love his vocals, but Built For Blame, Laced With Shame is really kicking ass for me lately- joel's voice is.. interesting. i think i've had Cynical Skin on repeat for at least an hour. anyway.
. . .

"My mom is gonna flip shit," Angelo grumbled, snapping his fingers and managing to cause a flame to flicker it's way to life from the wick of a candle. Finally, it seemed control was growing easier.

Chris just watched Angelo's actions. "Try again." He said, unsatisfied with the weak flame. "Why would she flip?" He asked, watching the younger roll his eyes and blow the candle out, trying again.

"I've been gone for how many days? Doing what?" Angelo said rather dramatically, lighting the candle again, this time with a stronger flame. Chris had rambled on about how if he could control a simple flame, he'd be better at controlling other things as well. He seemed insistent upon that, and so Angelo took his word for it.

"Right," Chris said. "Human parents.." He said. The remembrance that poor Angelo would likely forget all about home soon enough was rather depressing. He was surprised he'd lasted so long without forgetting.

Then again, he didn't have any reference on what was normal. Nick had never mentioned when or how he- or anyone else- had first begun to forget things. It must have been quick, though. If it had been gradual, surely it would have bothered him more.

"You seem upset." Angelo noted, pulling his hood up gingerly and glancing over Chris's shoulder. Ryan was laying on the ground- in cat form,- moping. He really missed Ricky.. "What's wrong?"

Chris heaved a sigh. "You remind me of a friend of mine, that's all." He said.

Angelo focused on Chris, transparent looking words seeming to pop up in the air around him. The red words felt important. Words like 'hurt' and 'alone' and 'why?' stuck out most of all.

It had never happened before, but Angelo had a gut feeling it was like reading thoughts. So, he took a bit of a risk in speaking up. "He got hurt-..? Is that why you're lonely?"

Chris's jaw tightened, and he tilted his head a bit, closing his eyes. "I suppose. All my friends seem to die." He said bluntly. "I don't know if Nick is alive. It's been quite some time."

Angelo glanced over at Ryan again. The words he saw in looking at Ryan only confirmed the idea of seeing thoughts. Every word on Ryan's mind was 'Ricky.'

It was sad, but.. somehow, cute. The fact that Ryan's mind was blank of everything but Ricky,

He looked back to Chris, who hadn't yet questioned anything.

'Why?' 'Hurt.' 'No' 'Should have been me.' 'Why them?' 'Afraid.'

Angelo bit his lip, closing his eyes. He didn't want to see Chris so sad. But it was like a reflex, and the witch's mind flooded with little images and snippets of what he could only assume were Chris's memories.

Someone who looked just a few years younger than Chris.. Bright eyes and a brighter smile. Sunsets and hellfire, black rain..

Books, cigarettes.. Someone who seemed to read or draw constantly. Hot days and icy evenings..

Angelo covered his eyes with his hands, but of course, that didn't help at all. Visions of someone tall- like Chris.. Pale skin and smeared makeup. A quiet voice.. Crying and screaming. Blood on ice, and that blonde bitch.

Then, thunder. Storm clouds. Blood running along the blacktop with the water from the rain. Cuts and scrapes, dark purple bruises.. A busted lip and tired eyes on the boy with the bright smile; Nick. Not dead, but barely alive. And then nothing.

Nothing except Angelo's own tears dripping down his face. He hadn't a reason for he himself to be sad, but he couldn't help but feel terrible for what Chris had seen.

His head was pounding, and the world spun. If Limbo could even be considered 'the world.'

Ryan, now in human form, scampered over just as Angelo slumped to the side, scraping his jaw on the ground. More words, and this time they weren't about Ricky.

'Help' 'Okay?' 'Why sad?'

"Ange? Are you okay?" Ryan asked, shaking Angelo's shoulder lightly. Chris strode over, scooping Angelo up off of the ground.

"He's learning," He muttered numbly. "I think a few hours worth of sleep is very much needed, Angel, wouldn't you agree?" He asked, holding the witch to his chest.

Angelo nodded slowly, covering his face. "I'm sorry," was all he could choke out before falling right asleep in Chris's arms. He sighed, glancing down at Ryan. "Homeward bound, I do suppose. Angelo can rest, and you can see Ricky.. Sound alright?"

Ryan just nodded, playing with his fingers a bit. "Okay.."

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