♗ | whispers

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Angelo was, needless to say, far beyond nervous in opening the door. Devin was quick about walking in and slamming it back shut, grinning like a goddamn shark. "Just in time, I see. Where's your cat?" She asked.

"H-He ah.." Angelo could only flail a shaky hand at the window, trying to keep an oncoming anxiety attack at bay.

"Damn, what a stupid little kitty he is," Devin whined.

"What the fuck is going on?" Angelo half squeaked. After all, Ryan was out there with whatever creepy fuck it was, and he was indoors, doing absolutely fucking nothing, confused and anxious.

Devin crossed her arms, pouting. "Chris really doesn't tell you jack, hm?" She sighed dramatically. "I'll give you a quick version of everything he's failed to make clear thus far," She grumbled. "You're a witch. He's a witch. I'm a witch. Before you say anything, yes, you can use the word 'witch' for you boys as well, if you aren't picky. Moving on," She said. "You're of value to witches lie Chris and myself. You're a fucking power hub, truth be told. Now, that's all well and good, but you also attract a lot of unwanted attention from being of so much use. See, Chris is similar to you. Or, he used to be Sure, he's still all mighty and powerful or whatever fuels his ego," Devin said. "But he can sort of.. cover up.. what attracts the baddies. 

On to the baddies," Devin said dramatically, gesturing to the window. "Those things out there are just one of fuck only knows how many different breeds. It's your cat's job to protect you from them, but he bit off more than he could chew in waltzing out there without any help. We call them whispers, because names are power. When you think of a whisper, you think of something soft and quiet- something that can't hurt you. And that doesn't solve the issue, but it's better than calling them 'the huge vicious monsters that will turn you into fucking play-doh, eat your guts and absorb your energy.' See what I mean, dear? Now, I can't kill them. Chris can't kill them; neither can you. And Ryan certainly can't. We need a reaper, and we don't have one. So, your options are simple. Hide, run, both, or find a reaper, which is never easy in a pinch." Devin said.

She was talking so damned fast, Angelo could barely keep up with her. "Do.. Do you know any reapers, or-..? Anything's worth a shot, I mean, those things wont just get sick of trying and go away.. How can I get Ryan back in here..? I haven't heard from him in at least twenty minutes now and I'm getting worried."

Devin groaned. "I can get you a reaper, but he's.. what's the word..? Picky? He's a schedule freak. There's no telling when he'll show, but you'll definitely know him when you see him." Devin grumbled. "Is he like.. I dunno.. Does he look like Death, or-..?" Angelo asked. Devin scoffed. "The opposite." She said. "Anyway," She sighed. "On to getting your cat back before he gets turned into pudding." She said. "You stay here." She said. 

"Ryan's my best friend," Angelo said. "I'm going with you whether you want me to or not."

Devin heaved a sigh. "Of course you are. Right." She said, turning around and resting her hand on Angelo's head, smiling sweetly. Angelo immediately felt a weight on his shoulders, and the room seemed to sway, the world around him appearing to melt together before everything faded out to black.

A/N: short chapter. blah.

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