♗ | the good, the bad, and the broken

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A/N: long chapter to make up for the short ones.
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The day seemed like a blur to Angelo. The air felt.. different. Not right, he had decided. No one was as rowdy as usual. Everyone seemed tired or sickly, in fact.

As annoying as Devin could be, Angelo almost found himself worrying in her absence. Time was moving slowly, but he had started to feel better once he had gotten to English class.

Chris had been going on about figurative language,- among other things,- when whispers started going around about the weather, or something.

Angelo turned his head to look out the window, and his blue eyes had gone wide at the sight of downpour- out of nowhere. Just moments before, the sky had been crystal clear.

Chris tried to settle the class down with the expected chatter about how 'we live in Pennsylvania' and 'the weather changes fast sometimes.' But Angelo was nervous. Because Chris looked nervous.

It had been about five minutes to the end of the period when the door opened, and a woman dressed in white walked in, smiling sweetly. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. Cerulli," She said, and Angelo took note of the way Chris's jaw tightened at the name, one that he obviously avoided using. "But might I have a word with you and Mr. Parente?" She asked, white wings stretching out from her shoulders.

Of course, the majority of the class panicked. An angel, Angelo decided. But still, people were filled with fear at the sight of things they didn't recognize or understand.

Chris instructed everyone to wait in the hall,- aside from Angelo,- closing and locking the door.

"My name is Maria Brink. I'm with Heaven's Ministry of Defense, and-" The blonde began, Chris cutting her off. "Don't listen to a word out of her mouth, Angelo." He said.

The woman glared but kept speaking, watching Chris as he walked back to stand behind his desk.

"As I was saying," muttered the angel. "I've been informed you're working with Mr. Cerulli," She said, smiling and tilting her head. "I can tell that's a big mistake. All I ask is that you come with me in a calm and orderly fashion. This doesn't have to be any worse than it already is. His negativity is already wearing off on you," She said.

Pulling his hood up, Angelo closed his eyes. Everything was much too bright. "He's helping me," He mumbled, hands twitching involuntarily. He shoved them in his pockets, chalking it up to nervousness.

"Oh, dear, he really isn't. He's a demon, you know that, right? A broken demon, at that. Very dangerous," She said.

"Angelo," Chris warned, glancing up at the lights, which had begun to flicker rapidly by then. "Don't listen to her. If you choose to go with her, Heaven will do one thing. They'll kill you. You're very lethal, and that's a threat to-"

The skidding of desks across the floor and books flying from their shelves, papers fluttering to the ground, cut Chris's sentence short. He looked Angelo up and down, biting back a frown.

"You're trying too hard to hold yourself down, even if you don't know that. Try and relax, for your sake. You'll overwork yourself and then you'll snap. Do you understand me?" Chris said, eyes fixed on Angelo.

The teen swallowed thickly, rocking back on his heels. "I can't help it.." He said softly. Chris sighed. Ricky must have served as a trigger of some sort the night before..

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