Part 4 who are you?

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Rin P.O.V

it has been a couple days since I took in ray and I am starting to think my diagnosis of her having traumatic memory loss is wrong I also am noticing that she is not normal she is so childlike. she has eyes like I have never seen. her hair is blacker than coal. her body is cold. her teeth are sharp as knives I have no idea what and why she is like she is. i cant stop thinking about her she is so beautiful and so innocent she just follows me she likes to grab the tail of my shirt and just follow me i don't find anything wrong with it. so when i go out to check on my patients i just let her tag along. she dose not talk mutch but when i ask her questions she responds with a smiling awsner every time. she acts like she has never seen kindness before. i am worried about how her life was whn i was not around. she is also very thin as if she is starving but she never eats the food i give her.

a cupple minuts of checking on my patiantcs later. i get a call that a patent was being uncoraprative about getting help i was wooried to bring ray with but i did not think she wuld cause truble .

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