School Life..

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    *Andrea's POV*

"Andrea wake up sweetie it's time for school." 

My mother said lightly shaking my shoulder. Opening one eye I saw her long brown hair hanging in front of her face while she leaned over my bed, I ran hands over my face and let out a loud groan.

"I don't want to go mom."

I rolled over pulling the blanket back over my head only to have them be yanked out of my hand and land at the foot of the bed.

"Well I don't care get up."

She said in a tone that meant 'if you don't get up I'll get the bucket', I hopped out of bed and ran into the shower before she could come back.

I guess I should explain who I am, my name is Andrea Alex McGhee but you can call me Andi I go to Fox hold high school I'll be going into my junior year.  I have Grey eyes with a hint of purple people say they are extremely rare but that's only when I take my glasses off. I have long wavy brown hair that goes to my waist. I'm about 5'5 in height and I have a curvy body but I usually hide it until night time. 

After my shower I went to my room with a towel around my body and my wet hair hanging down my back.

I went into my walk in closet and picked out a simple outfit, I got a pair of tan shorts that went to my mid thigh only a few inches above my knee and a white v-neck t-shirt.

I went over to my vanity and sat down I put my simple golden heart locket around my neck and grabbed a few bracelets for each of my wrist I put little makeup on just some concealer, eye liner, and mascara and I grabbed my purple square frame glasses.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen I popped some toast in the toaster and went and got some grape jam from the fridge.

"Hey Bunny," My dad said as he kissed my forehead.

"Hey so your mother and I have a business meeting tonight we won't be back until later depending on if we can solve the problems in the systems. "
My dad said giving me a slight frown.

"That's fine daddy, I might go out tonight with some friends anyways."

My eyes probably beaming with excitement.

"What friends and to where?"

My mother jumped in.

"No where far, just out with some friends."

I gave them a look saying 'stop asking questions' and they got the point and just shook their heads.

I pull into the school parking lot in my light purple Jeep and hopped out grabbing my black book bad from the back.

"Hey everyone look who's here Virgin Mary." I smirked and turned to face my two ex best friends.

Kayela Fickes and Leah Kiezer the two biggest sluts in school, Kayela being the 'Queen Bee' was wearing a black mini skirt that I swear if you looked closer you could see her vagina hanging down and wear a tight burgundy tank top that looked like her breast were suffocating in, while she wasn't as bad, Leah was still a slut she was wearing white high waisted shorts that had little paint splatter marks that her ass cheeks were peaking out from them she paired it with a light brown v-neck t-shirt that Kayela didn't approve of.

I looked up from putting my bag over my shoulder.

"What the fuck do you want now? I haven't even walked in through the doors and you guys are already starting it. "

They both let out little chuckles and Kayela looked deep into my eyes like she was trying to see if fear was building. I shrugged them off and tried walking past them.

"See ya in class Virgin Mary." I just lifted my hand up and did a slight wave.

After getting my schedule I walked into my first class it was English with Ms.Towe.

"Hello Ms. McGhee please take a seat wherever."

I smiled slightly not wanting to make eye contact and went to the back of the class and sat in the corner seat.

The bell rang and students started to pile in, each were greeted and either greeted back or just shrugged her off.

"Alright happy first day of junior year everyone, since most of you know each other from the previous year I'm not gonna make a big deal of introductions but I am going to call your names for attendance and when I do I want people to say here, okay let's get started.  Alexis Aguilar"

A skinny pale girl who had braces whispered out a "here" and Ms. Towe marked her down while everyone just laughed at her I frowned at their bullying.

She kept calling names we kept saying here or whatever, I was staring out the window watching the sky turn from beautiful shades of orange and purple into a clear blue when my name was called and pulled my out of my thoughts.

"What? Yeah I'm here. "

I raised my hand trying to catch her attention a little embarrassed at my answer I heard snickering coming from my right and I looked over to find the bad boy of the school Tyler Payne laughing at me I must have turned a dark shade of red because he started laughing harder and I just quickly looked at the desk in front of me.

It's lunch time after my first 2 classes since I only have 4 classes a day.  I walked into the cafeteria and went into the line to get some food. I turned around when I heard some harsh words being thrown out thinking they were towards me but they weren't the skinny girl from English was being surrounded by Kayela and Leah being shoved and screamed at.

I turned around trying to tune it out but I couldn't I hurried and rushed to her side. I pushed through the two girls and stood in front of Alexis acting as a shield.

"Look everyone Virgin Mary is trying to stand up from train tracks over here."

Everyone in the lunch rooms shot there attention over to the corner and stared in shock at my bravery, I wanted to back down but it was to late now I screwed myself.

"Shut the fuck up Kayela." Gasps came from all over the room and hurt ran through Kayela's eyes only for a split second. She just smirked and looked at Alexis than me.

"What so are you guys like some kind of couple? I mean Andrea come on I knew you couldn't get dick but you're gonna get with this thing."

Making a hand gesture towards Alexis. I started the laugh at her words which only shocked her and everyone else including myself, I couldn't hold back my next words.

"Sorry Kayela I know you've been in those kind of situations with girls but I prefer to stick to nothing if I can't find someone I actually like."

Her posture straightened out while her cheeks started to go a light shade of pink.

"Shut you virgin mouth you little bitch, I mean I knew you were in love with me and all but no need to spread rumors."

I laughed again and grabbed Alexis's arm pulling her through the doors not before I had the last words though I shot my head back and smirked.

"You wish princess, " She glared. While I walked towards the door I saw Tyler staring at me like he was proud, I gave him a small smile and brushed past him, I watched as his eyes followed my body.

I heard a smack and turned around to see Tyler smiling cause Kayela must have caught him looking at my ass. I walked towards my Jeep with Alexis still in my grip.

"W-where are we going?" she asked I shot her a smile.

"Hi I'm Andrea but you can call me Andi and we're going to get some lunch."

She gave me a small smile and jumped into my Jeep and we took off.

*Author note*
Hi guys this is my first story ever so please tell me how I did, don't worry I can handle criticism as long as it actually helps. Thank you for reading.

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