Chapter 15

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Morgan's POV
I let out a groan, ringing filling my ears and drowning out my own thoughts. I tried my best to open my eyes, and as they cracked open I realized I was still in darkness. As my body came back to reality, my mind soon following, I remembered all that had happened. I tried to shift, but something was pinning me down. I then remembered something else. Jade had pushed me down, and had shielded I and the small girl. Oh god. "Scar...?" My Voice rasped, and I realized all that came out was a rough whisper. I cleared my throat, and tried again. "Scarlet." I said, this time clearly, and a bit stern. I took a deep breath, coughing a bit as I inhaled dirt. I closed my eyes to try and feel what situation I was exactly in. My left shoulder is in contact with the cold ground. Along with the entire left side of my body. My right arm is wrapped around a small body... Maybe the girl? And then there's arms wrapped around me, and there's someone laying on top of me. Their head is behind mine, and I'm guessing laying into the dirt. My best guess is it's Jade, and I pray she's alive. "Help....!" I try my best to yell, and end up coughing more. More grunts escape my mouth as I try to sit up, but I get the feeling we're trapped under ruble. "Okay Morgan... Calm down... Am I in pain anywhere?" I ask myself, and try to focus on any pain. Mainly I'm just cramping from being enclosed at such a tight angle. It's hard to believe, but I think I'm okay. Maybe a few cuts and some bruising, but all good. I clear my throat, and this time I try to push up with my right hand. "Hey!! Is anyone out there?!" I yell, and continue to try and push. Suddenly, the arm wrapped around the top part of me shifts. My eyes widen, and I stop moving. "Scarlet?" I ask, and I hear her give a soft mumble. Thank God. "Are you okay?" I ask almost immediately. It was silent for a moment, but I feel her move again. "I'm alive. So that's a plus." She rasped, and I gave a soft huff as I try to push up again. "My arm under you is broken... my leg is trapped, and this piece of stone on top of us is crushing my ribs and shoulder." She said, and I just now realized her tone was full of pain. "Oh God....." I muttered, trying to think of something. "Okay. Look in front of you. How far does that stone reach." She asked, and I did my best to focus in and see. It looked like it came to a close right in front of me. "Just in front of me. Why?" I ask, and turn my eyes to try and listen to her better. "On the count of three, we both try to lift it and roll it behind us. Okay?" She asked, and her arm lifted off of me to where I guess is the top of the stone. "Alright. One. Two. Three." We counted, and with all my strength I shifted up, feeling the stone raise and move off of me. Suddenly light filled a crack, and soon the stone shifted harshly, but not on me. Scarlet let out a pained scream, and I turned slightly. Enough light shown in, I could see a piece of the stone had cracked and now it was slanting down, the entire flat piece pinned her by the waist and was probably crushing her. "Oh my  God, Scarlet." I whispered, horrified at the scene. "Get out....!" She whispered through gritted teeth, and I did as told. I crawled, my arms and legs getting cut up by the tiny small rocks. But I made it out. I did my best to stand up, and stumbled slightly, realizing I was covered in dirt, ash, blood and debris. "Hey! Over there!" I heard an officer shout. I hurried and waved them over, before I knelt down. The small corpse of the girl we had tried to save laid there motionlessly. Oh no... The poor girl... I took a deep breath and refocused on getting my teammate from under. "It's a miracle you're even alive." An officer said to me, I smiled slightly and gave him a simple nod as the group of them lifted the piece of stone that had held Scarlet prisoner. "Grab her, get her out now!" Another officer instructed. I did as told, and quickly knelt down to pick up the forward by the arms, dragging her from under the surface. Blood covered the entire right side of her face, with a large gash on her forehead, another on her cheek. Her once pure white jersey is now smothered with ash and dirt, and blotched with blood.  I pair of paramedics ran over, one of them called for a stretcher. Tears coated my cheeks and I watched as they knelt down to my roommate. "I-is she okay? WILL she be okay?" I rephrased, widening my eyes as I saw one of them put an air mask over her mouth. "There's no way in telling right now. It's amazing that you're unscathed." One of them replied. They then put Jade on the stretcher, and pulled it up. I simply watched them begin to push her towards the ambulance. One of them turned and said something to me, but for some reason I became light headed. Ringing filled my audio and I felt my legs drop from under me. Before I knew it, I was back to seeing black.

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