Chapter 29

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Scarlet's POV
Two weeks later after call ups and we're back in San Jose, getting ready for our first National Friendly ever since the attack. It's gonna be a tough match up against Canada, said to be our rivals. It's never a clean match up against them, both teams always seem to play a little dirty when it comes to matches but nonetheless, it'll be good to get back on the field. We're in the locker room gearing up, the lineup is as follows:
Keeper- Hope Solo
Back line - Ali Krieger, Becky Saurbrunn, Julie Johnston, and Kelley O'Hara
Center- Tobin Heath, Morgan Brian and Carli Lloyd
Front- Alex Morgan, Christen Press, and Mallory Pugh.

The captain is Lloyd, and it looks like a pretty solid starting point. There's a bit of doubt running in the back to my head due to something I overheard coach talking about... the conversation radiates in the back of my mind as I space out for a second.
"She isn't even suppose to be playing soccer, let alone letting her first match back be against Canada of all people? Ellis, it's suicide."
"She's too damn talented of a player to sideline the rest of her life. All of our girls have gone through hell and still stand, we risk every one of them no matter the match we play."
"Forgive me for being protective of a young player who has more in store for her than surgeries."
"She can handle it."

A set of vocals and laughter snaps me from my daze and makes me return to adjusting the ponytail in my raven black hair, my crystalline eyes shifting to glance at who's turning the corner. Kelley, Emily and Christen are laughing about probably a stupid meme reference Emily blurted out, I offer a small smile as they pass. As I turn back to glance in the mirror I notice Kelley appear beside me. "You look tense."

No matter the past we had, it's far behind us as if it never happened. We're as close now as we were when I first joined the team, and honestly it feels amazing. "I'm alright- you ready?" I quickly reply, turning the question back to her as fast as I can. She hesitates for a moment before shrugging, glancing at her phone. "Yeah, I suppose so. Canada is always a rough match, wanna make a bet on a number of fouls?" "10 and 3 yellow cards." I reply, making us both smirk. "12 and 2 cards." She laughs and we shake on it, before she jogs to catch up with her pair.

It's not long and the starting whistle sounds, everything going into motion. My hands clasp eachother as it's nearly almost instant pressure, with Canada starting with the ball. Our defense solidifies with the help of Becky winning an important challenge, passing the ball to Morgan at center who perfectly lobs a ball in towards Mal Pal at the right wing. The speedy youngster takes it down and catches a sight for Tobin, crossing it in for a slot. A Canada defenseman clips Tobe's ankle that connected her to the ground and sent her into the turf rather harshly. I feel my jaw clenching, and maybe find myself silently targeting the player for payback if I get subbed in.

The first half is really evenly matched, both sides aggressive and being forced to alter their play style to oppose the other. There had been a total of 7 fouls against us already, and I was left pacing the sidelines with the threat by my veins wanting to pop out of my arms. I catch Ellis glaring at me but by now I'm fuming. Finally a break for the midfield explodes an amazing chain, Morgan winning a challenge and beautifully connecting with Christen Press who is able to head it back which is just what Julie needed to rocket it into the top left corner.

The sidelines erupt with the crowd, and I find myself also smiling, even though it quickly turns to a narrower glare when a Canadian player sends a shoulder into the scoring midfielder. The blonde had no idea what had happened when she hit the ground, and it infuriates me when a ref doesn't call a foul. Another name added to my list.

When the whistle signals halftime, I jog side by side with Emily and Sam Mewis into the locker room, ready to be directed by Ellis. "Overall, you're playing beautifully, and upholding such composure against a threat like our rivals. However- I want to make a shift they won't be expecting. I want a full attack, focus on speed. Speed to attack and speed to defend. Conserve energy when not on the attack, and alter attackers." We all nod and I find myself standing next to Tobin, a small smirk growing on my face as I find myself unable to keep my quick witted puns to myself. "Thanks for bringing us up to speed coach."

The beautiful midfielder besides me turns and shoves me playfully, both of us laughing which soon erupts the entire crew. Perhaps it was the perfect time to relieve them or stress, Kelley coming up behind me and putting me in a headlock. "That's my girl!"

Once the laughter calms down, Ellis pulls out a index card and looks it over. "Carli, I'm putting Mewis in for you to aid in attack. And Alex, I'm putting Jade in for you to lead the charge." Those words shock me, and my eyes widen but a comforting hand to my back immediately placed me back in reality, Tobin shooting her gorgeous smile at me with a nod. "We got this."

Soon we're running back out from the tunnel, and I'm unzipping my track jacket to expose my jersey. My heart is already racing and my mind behinds to immediately set into the field environment, my best friend beside me elbowing. "Ten bucks you catch the goalie off guard the first 3 minutes of the half." Morgan teases as Pugh jogs to catch up with us. "Twenty says first 2." I roll my eyes at the pair before highfiving my team members as I now sprint to maybe show off a little bit, getting into position.

Game on. Bitches.

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