1 ~ Becoming Friends With a Few Strangers

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"Hey... Are you ok?"

(Name), who had previously been sleeping, grunted as someone shaked her violently. Her hard (eye color) eyes blinked a few times, the suns bright rays shining in her eyes. She heard the sounds of waves crashing, a soft breeze blowing through her ears. Under her body, when she clenched her hands, she felt sand fall through her fingers.

'Yeah, definetly at a beach.. But I thought I fell asleep at a desk.'

When her eyes adjusted, it was then when she noticed two figures hovering over her. One was a tall, lanky male with spiky white hair and beautiful silver eyes. His torso was dresssed with a white shirt, his green hoodie clearly too big on him. Another was a shorter boy, his brown hair having one spike pointing up at the top. He had sparkling emerald eyes, a white button up on adorned with a tie.

While both males were attractive, her main instincts kicked in. The white haired male had a hand hovering above her torso. She grasped his forearm, surprising the boy. Since his balance was off, she could quickly pull him to the ground. Using his momentum, she pulled herself up and turned the hoodied boy on stomach. Before he could move, she put a combat boot on his back, restricting his movements. Her arms snaked around his neck, ready to snap it.

"Don't move or I snap his neck." She threatened, glaring at the brunette.

"W-Woah, calm down!" He exclaimed, his eyes holding concern.

"Ow.." The boy under her grunted, and she knew that was the voice that woke her from her sleep.

"Who are you? Why am I on a fucking beach?" (Name) scowled.

"I-I don't know, but-"

The male was interrupted by a white stuffed rabbit appearing from seemingly nowhere. Everyone's attention turned to said creature, although the boy on the ground had trouble doing so.

"Hey, no fighting your classmates, (Name)!" The rabbit wailed.

"Who the ever loving hell are you?" (Name) sneered.

"A-Ah, that's right.. You were asleep during the introduction." The rabbit frowned, somewhat sulking. It then perked back up. "I am your teacher, Usami! And you're currently hurting one of your classmates, which is against the rules!"

"My... classmates?" (Name) mumbled, and that's when it hit her. "Oh shit, I totally forgot I was at Hope's Peak! Fuckin'... My bad." She sighed and released the grip on the boy she had underneath her, getting off. The male grunted, turning onto his rear.

"It's not my lucky day.." He mumbled quietly, sighing and looking down.

(Name) frowned, holding a hand out. "Here, come on." She flexed her fingers, signaling for him to hurry up. He looked up at her and grasped her fingers, not expecting her to be able to quickly pull him to his feet.

"There, now that it's peaceful, introduce yourselves and state your talent!" Usami cheered happily.

"Right.. Hey, my name is (Name) (Last Name). I'm the Ultimate Assassin." (Name) introduced. "Sorry we got off on a bad start. Instincts kicked in.." She looked off to the side, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly with her hand.

"It's ok. It's understandable, considering what your talent is." The white haired male nodded and smiled. "I'm Nagito Komaeda. As much of a useless talent it is, I'm lucky." When (Name) quirked an eyebrow, the brunette laughed.

"No, he's seriously the Ultimate Lucky Student. Also, I'm Hajime Hinata. And if I'm being honest, I can't remember my talent.." Hajime seemed upset by that last statement, but Usami  cut in.

"I'm sure we'll figure it out!" She smiled. At least, (Name) thought it was a smile. She couldn't quite tell.

"So, where are we...? Last I remember I fell asleep on a desk in a classroom.." (Name) looked around for any sight of a classroom.


"To be honest, we don't really know how we got here either. We just.. appeared." Hajime sighed.

"Well, let's not get all upset. You haven't been introduced to everyone, right?" Nagito chimed.

I've been introduced to one.

"Yeah, I don't know anyone here besides you two." (Name) gave a slight smile, but it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Her hands were shoved into her gray hoodie pockets, her skinny jeans making her a bit hot.

"Well I have to introduce Hajime to the others too. So tag along with us." Nagito offered.

"You sure you want someone like me to follow you? I'd just scare everyone off." (Name) frowned.

"You aren't bad once we get to know you." Hajime gave a smile to the (hair color), and she sighed.

"Yeah, I guess. I'll tag along." (Name) looked away.

Don't get too close. You'll just make them hate you.

"Great! Let's get going then, hm?" Nagito smiled and started walking, (Name) and Hajime walking on his sides.

It took a while, but she finally got to know everyone. In her mind, she already had a clear list of what she thought about everyone.

She liked all the girls. Well, all except Hiyoko. That little girl pissed her off, she was seriously rude. (Name) was tempted to kill her when she was being a brat to Hajime.

Most the boys she was ok with too. Except for Kazuichi and Togami. She just didn't like how those two acted around her. Kazuichi was just scared of her, and Togami just acted better then her.

(Name) sighed as Nagito had walked her back to her cottage. The two were walking in comfortable silence, even though (Name) was going to snap his neck about 12 hours ago. The night sky twinkled with stars above them brightly, the Full Moon out and shining.

They were just told the shocking news. Usami was now Monomi, and they were going to have to kill one another in order to get off this island. No one wanted to do it. As much smack as she talked, (Name) dislikes killing teens and below. So being told that was not helpful.

"Here we are." Nagito's calming voice pulled her out of her thoughts. She looked up to see a wooden cottage, a blue mailbox in the front with a pixalized version of her face on it. "My cottage is right across from yours. Let me know if you need anything."

(Name) nodded her head softly, and Nagito went to go to his cottage. But a thought that ran through her head wanted to ask him. To make it go away. Before she could process, her hand clutched his green hoodie, stopping him in his tracks. He turned to face her, blinking silver eyes in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Hey, Nagito. Are... Are we friends?" (Name) asked shyly, her personality completely different from when she tried to kill him.

"Huh...? Do you wanna be friends with trash like me?" Komaeda tilted his head.

"You aren't trash!" (Name) rolled her eyes. "Besides, you don't have to. I'm not gonna force you to hang out with a horrible human being such as myself. It was just a question."

Slightly disappointed, (Name) turned on her heels and went to go open her cottage door.

"Ah, I didn't finish. I would say we're friends, if that's ok with you." Nagito chuckled softly, and (Name) smiled to herself.

"It would be ok with me.. Well, goodnight." And with that, she entered her cottage, a stupid grin on her face.

Why would you set him up just to knock him back down?

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