12 ~ Its Over

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(A bit of smut in this chapter oops)

(Name) panted as she slammed the hospital doors open. She had sprinted from her cottage the whole way to the hospital, not stopping once. Mikan and Fuyuhiko were in the lobby, staring at her in shock.

"Where's.. Nagito..?" She heaved.

"He's in the first room on the left. But, are you ok?" Fuyuhiko asked in concern.

"Y-Yeah, y-you seem a bit pale.." Mikan stammered.

"I'm fine.." (Name) then walked into the hallway and turned to face the door. Her hands slowly twisted the knob of the door, and she swung it softly open.

Nagito was siting up in bed, a sad look on his face as he looked out the window. (Name) slowly approached him.

"Hey Mikan.. I don't feel like eating right now, ok?" He mumbled.

Her hands grabbed his cheeks, making him look at her. His eyes widened in surprise as he noticed who it was.

"(Name)? What're you..?"

"Why'd you try to kill yourself?" (Name) frowned.

"I just..." He trailed off, like he didn't have a legit reason.

"You just what? Why? Why would you do that?"

"Because I thought you hated me!" Nagito snapped, making her flinch a bit. "You pushed me away! I thought you wanted nothing to do with me! I know I'm a useless piece of trash, but god damn it I love you!"

"Nagito, I.." (Name) stared at him with wide eyes.

"I thought it was me, that I did something wrong! You pushed me away and you said you wanted nothing to do with me!" He started crying now, tears falling off his pale cheeks. "What was I supposed to do?! You were my only purpose in life!"

(Name) took a step forward.

"I don't wanna live with you hating m-"

She wrapped an arm around his neck, taking her hand and shoving his head forward. She leaned towards him, and their lips connected, cutting Nagito's rant off. He sat there in shock for a few seconds, before wrapping his hand around her neck and deepening the kiss. She was pulled on to the bed, and she straddled him.

After a bit, they pulled away, both panting heavily. (Name) slipped a hand in his robe, making him blush.

"How'd you try to kill yourself, Nagito..?" She mumbled softly.

"Hanging.. I'd have almost done it if it weren't for Hajime.." Nagito grunted, her hand tracing up and down his abdomen. He then felt her mouth connect with his neck, and she started placing sloppy by gentle kisses all over him, sucking and biting a few spots that didn't have rope burns. He moaned softly, and his hands went for the buttons of her shirt.

He unbuttoned the top few buttons, able to get to her bra. As he started kissing her chest, his door to his hospital room swung open.

"Hey, how're you-" Hajime started, but was cut off by the scene he was met with. Both of them turned to him, their faces beet red. "Ok... I'm just gonna.." And with that, the door was closed. The two glanced at each other and laughed.

"Lesson learned."

Nagito was allowed to leave the hospital that day. Mikan said he was mentally stable enough to be left alone. So everyone came in and told him to meet at the restaurant. As he walked up the stairs, everyone cheered at him in happiness.

"Hey, look who it is!" Akane grinned.

"It's good to see you're doing well." Chiaki smiled.

"I find you a bit weird, but.. I'm glad you're still alive." Fuyuhiko sighed.

"Hell yeah!" Nekomaru hollared.

Nagito smiled. "I'm thankful for this.." He looked around. "Where's (Name)?"

Everyone blinked and looked around for the (hair color), but she was no where to be found.

"That's strange. She was just here a second ago." Hajime frowned.

"Maybe she went to go kill someone?" Kazuichi mumbled worriedly.

"Shut up, pest!" Sonia ordered.

"W-What?!" Kazuichi wailed.

"Bye guys, I'm not sorry I took a long time!"(Name)'s cheery voice came from the head of the stairs.

"What?" Ibuki tilted her head. "Why bye?"

"I have a perfectly logically explanation for that!" (Name) laughed. "Also, I'm sorry! I've been lying to you the whole time! I'm not really (Name)!"

"This talk.. Are you actually a demon?!" Tanaka exclaimed.

"Yep! I come from the darkest pits of hell!" (Name) grinned.

"What's going on with you?" Nagito frowned.

"I hate all of you! I wish you all to die!"

"P-Psychopath! I knew she was evil!" Hiyoko wailed.

"Nagito, I hate you." (Name) laughed, and Nagito widened his eyes.

"Y-You what..?"

"You heard me! I find you ugly!" (Name) grinned.

"B-But.." Nagito felt his heart drop.

"(Name), what's gotten into you?" Hajime walked up to her. "Maybe you're just sick.." He placed a hand feverishly on her forehead, and widened his eyes. "You're burning up!"

"I don't know what you mean!" (Name) tilted her head.

"Wait, seriously?" Nagito walked up and did the same, wincing. "Wow.. That's not normal.."

"N-No.. You're.. You're insane.. There's no way.. that I.. Nhh.." (Name) stumbled backwards a bit, her eyes somewhat swirly again. Suddenly, her eyes shut and her body collapsed forward. Nagito was quickly able to catch her before she fell, and everyone rushed over.

"What happened to her?!" Sonia cried.

"I-I don't know! She just collapsed! (Name), (Name) wake up!" Hajime gently smacked her.

"Hey hey hey!" Monokuma suddenly appeared from seemingly nowhere.

"You.. Why are you here? Are you the reason behind what's happening to (Name)?!" Akane growled.

"That's right! This was all me! I've infected (Name) with the despair disease!" Monokuma cackled.

"Despair disease?!" Nagito cried, holding the unconscious girl in his arms.

"Yep! I decided to add some excitement! (Name) has been inflicted with the Liar's Disease! So everything that comes out her mouth is a lie!" Monokuma cheered.

"So what she said earlier was all a lie.." Hiyoko pieced together, and Nagito sighed in relief.

"A-Anyway, we have to get her to the hospital! S-She has such a high fever she could possibly die!" Mikan informed.

"What?! Well shit, lets get moving!" Nekomaru picked the unconscious girl up, and everyone started heading to the hospital.

"(Name)..." Nagito had a frown etched on his face. "Please don't let this be game over.."

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