6 ~ Tricks and Traps

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"The diagram of where everyone was standing before the blackout, right? Um.. Here it is!"


"That's it! This is an important clue! Who the killer is, and how they were able to move in the dark!"


"That's clearly shown in this diagram!"


"First. We should discuss how the killer was able to move through the room in the dark." Chiaki commented.

"The killer must've used the desk lamp to navigate to that table in the dark." Hajime explained.

(Name) laughed. "I hope you don't mean they used a light.."

"There was a black out. There was no way the killer could use the desk lamp." Gundham retorted skeptically.

"They didn't turn the desk lamp on. They actually used its power cord." Hajime countered.

"P-Power cord..?"

"They could've felt their way to that table using the power cord, right? By doing that, the killer was able to move to the table, and used the glowing paint to find the knife." Hajime continued to explain.

"And... There's only one person here who could've done that." Chiaki frowned.

Shut up.

"Wh-Who..?" Teruteru questioned, looking around nervously.

"(Name). It was you, wasn't it?"

Heads turned. Hearts dropped. Everyone was still. No one said anything. Eyes were wide, shock and betrayal in them.

"M-Me..?" (Name)'s eyes went wide, and her lips were contorted into a look of terror.

"Judging from everyone's positions before the blackout, the only person near the power cord was you." Hajime frowned.

"Which means, the only person who could've felt their way to the table using the power cord was (Name)!" Nekomaru grunted.

"Hey, wait. Did you forget what happened? Monokuma only saved her because she wasn't the blackened." Nagito countered.

"Hahahaha! Maybe I lied!" Monokuma cackled.

"H-Hey, me standing by the power cord was just a coincidence!" (Name) countered.

"But still.. You had a chance, right? A chance to hide the knife under the table." Chiaki shot back.

"(Name). You and Nagito were cleaning the dining hall all morning, right?" Hajime reminded. "If so, you would've had the chance to hide the knife!"

"Th-That's...!" (Name) protested, and her mouth moved to form words. Yet nothing else came out besides stammers that were supposed to be words.

"If you factor in the power cord and the time you spent cleaning, you're one of the only ones who could've done it! And Nagito was further from the power cord then you. You would've felt him bump into you or hear him try to get to the power cord." Hajime frowned, his eyes holding sorrow.

"Seriously, that's all just a coincidence!" (Name) exclaimed, clearly getting aggravated by the accusations. "I didn't do it!"

"If it was just one coincidence, it'd be fine.. But when it's one right after the other.. I wonder.. Is something like that even possible?" Chiaki sighed.

"Sh-Shut up! I didn't ask you!" (Name) growled, and Chiaki shrunk back a bit.

"Could it be..? Did you offer to help Nagito clean just so you had the chance to hide the knife?" Mahiru scowled.

(Name) just stood their in silence, a bewildered look on her face. Nagito glanced worriedly at her, and went to go defend her, when he was cut off.

"(Name)... I really.. really don't want you to be the killer. And I don't know if you are. But regardless, this proves you're suspicious, right?" Chiaki stated, this time slightly behind Nekomaru.

"I-I... Nnh.. Ghh.." (Name)'s hands clenched at her sides, sweat starting to form on her face. Her heart rate sped up, and she started breathing heavier.

"You got us to lower our guard, because of your fight with Hiyoko, and tried to make us feel pity for you so you could hide the fact that you did it, huh you motherfucker?!" Fuyuhiko spat at her.

"Well?! Just admit it already!" Mahiru screamed.

"stOp it.. I-I didn't.. I'd nev3r.." For some reason, Nagito could hear what sounded like a glitch in her voice that was as quiet as a whisper. However, no one else seemed to notice. Maybe he just imagined it.

"(Name) tell me you object to this. Frankly, I don't wanna believe it either. We've been friends. You're always so kind to me and Nagito and Ibuki. I can't believe you're the one who killed Byakuya. Especially after what happened with Hiyoko." Hajime glared at the short blonde during his last statement.

"Nnh.. Nggh.." (Name) took a step back.

"(Name)! Say something!" Hajime demanded.

(Name)'s hands grasped where the roots of her hair were, her face panicked and stressed.

"(Name)..?" Nagito widened his eyes.

"Aha.. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha!" (Name) laughed, her eyes wide. No longer with shock, but instead clouded with insanity. As if she was never there to begin with. As if the eyes that could captivate even the toughest of people were never existing, as if she had disappeared in thin air. Yes she who was standing there, was no longer the same person. Yet instead, consumed by despair, she laughed as to keep herself from feeling pain. Her eyes swirled, bit of gray mixing into her (eye color) orbs and as they swirled, everyone stood in shock.

"The Ultimates are working together to combat the despair of their friends death! Such hope! You really are Ultimates!" (Name) cackled, removing her hands from her hair.

"W-Woah! (Name)..?!" Hajime furrowed his eyebrows.

"(Name), what's going on..?" Nagito questioned.

"What's going on..?" (Name) tilted her head innocently, yet a malicious smirk was there. "I'll tell you what's going on. Let's cut right to the chase! You're exactly correct there, Hajime! It was my doing all along! I'm the one who murdered Byakuya! Yes, I hid the knife under the table. And yes, I also used the power cord to find my way to the table in the dark! And of course, I caused the blackout. After all, there's no way I'd whip out a knife and stab Hiyoko right then and there, right?" (Name) cackled, her eyes still cloudy.

"Y-You were gonna stab me?! Psycho!" Hiyoko wailed.

"Of course I was gonna kill you! Everyone knows the least interesting character dies first!" (Name) giggled. "Every video game has a cliche like that!"

"Don't treat this like a game!" Akane barked.

"Huh..? It's not one?" (Name) looked shocked. Genuinely shocked.

"O-Of course not! We're human beings!" Fuyuhiko retorted.

"Huh? But isn't it true? That from birth, someone controlling us designed how we looked? Like an RPG." (Name) smirked, pointing her index finger up at the sky.

"T-That's not the same!" Akane scowled.

"Hey, wait.." Hajime's voice spoke.

"Hmm?? What is it?" (Name) grinned, leaning over the podium.

"You aren't the killer, are you?"

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