13 ~ Diseases Are Infectious

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Nagito sighed as he sat in the room, sitting next to (Name)'s bed. The girl was breathing heavy, her face flushed red from the fever, the hospital gown sticking to her skin. He looked at her in concern, the back of his hand touching her forehead. Wincing at how hot she was, he removed his hand.

He, along with Mikan and Hajime, was at the hospital to take care of (Name). Everyone else was at the hotel, finding it easier in case an accident happened and the three needed assistance.

It had been at least three days, and (Name) hadn't woken up. Nagito was getting concerned, and he kept stressing himself out with questions like "What if she dies of starvation?" or "What if the disease kills her?". It wasn't good for his sanity, but he was worried for her health.

It wasn't till day four when she finally moved. Nagito was still right next to her, and he smiled happily when she slowly opened her eyes.

"(Name)! You're alright!" He grinned.

"Nagito..? Why didn't you stay?" She coughed.

"That's right, you have the Liar's Disease.. So, translate... Why did I stay?" He looked at her for confirmation, and she nodded softly. "Well cause I cared about you. I didn't wanna leave you alone."

(Name) went to open her mouth to speak, but then stopped herself. She looked around, and Komaeda raised an eyebrow anther. She hummed slightly as she opened the drawer to the nightstand next to her. She pulled out a pad of paper and a pen, the started writing. Nagito seemed to get the message, and waited. Finally, she flipped the pad around.

It's probably easier for me to just write. It'll take too long to translate what I say. Anyway, I'm glad you're here, I've been lonely. It sucks being stuck in an empty void.

Nagito smiled. "It's not a big deal. Besides, I'm lonely too. It's not like everyone here likes me."

(Name) laughed softly and continued writing, then flipped the pad around.

They don't have to like you, cause I do. So I'm all you'll really need. Anyway, have there been any murders or motives?

Komaeda blushed at her first few phrases, nervously scratching his cheek. He tried to play it off and switch the subject. "Well, not yet.. Apparently the Despair Disease is the motive.."

(Name) seemed to frown at this, and quickly wrote down her next phrase.

Am I going to die?

Nagito was a bit taken aback by her question, widening his eyes slightly. "W-What, of course not! Don't be silly! No one's gonna kill you, I promise!"

(Name) smiled, sitting up a bit and kissing his cheek. She then grabbed her pen and scribbled her next sentence down.

Thank you. Also, I would kiss you, but I don't wanna get you sick. Sorry if that weirded you out.

"No, it's alright." Nagito chuckled. "I should get going. It's getting dark. I love you."

(Name)'s face turned red, and quickly she wrote on the pad.

Love you too.

Nagito returned to his cottage, smiling a bit to himself. When he fell asleep that night, he kept dreaming about what was gonna happen if they got off the island.

"When we get older, I'll marry you one day. You just don't know it yet." He laughed at his own statement, curled up under his blanket. Without realizing, he had fallen asleep.

When he made his way to the hospital, something felt off to him. As he started approaching the third island, he decided to take the long way around, because he knew (Name) would be waiting for him. He figured he had time to kill. As he circled past the Music Venue, he saw four different heads; one brown, one pink, one blonde, and one dark purple. He made his way over, and noticed they were all trying to open the door.

"What're you guys doing?" Nagito tilted his head.

"Nagito! Have you seen (Name)?" Fuyuhiko questioned, and they stopped momentarily to talk to the albino.

"No, not yet. I was on my way to check on her, why?" He gave them a confused look.

"Nevermind that for now, just help us get this open." Hajime pleaded.

"Y-Yeah, ok.." Nodding, the five then proceeded to slam against the door, pushing with their body strength. Eventually, the door opened, and they all stumbled inside.

"W-We did it.." Mikan sighed happily, looking at he four around her. They gave her reassuring smiles, but someone felt something was off.

And then that's when they noticed the body hanging from the baton lighting.

And the body just happened to be wearing a hospital gown.

Defining Hope ( Nagito x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now