8 ~ Break My Mind

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Everyone watched in horror, well, everyone except one who watched in interest, as Teruteru was excecuted. It was eerily silent. Not even (Name) spoke.

"Man! That must've hurt!" Monokuma winced.

"H-How could you?!" Mahiru gaped.

"T-Teruteru!" Sonia wailed.

"Hey.." (Name)'s voice softly spoke, and everyone looked at her. "I don't care. Can I leave?"

Everyone stared in shock, but no one said anything. "What? But Teruteru was just murdered because of you!" Monokuma whined.

"T-That's right you filthy whore!  You're the reason Teruteru died!" Hiyoko shouted.

"I do not control anyone's actions but my own. However the consicuences for murder were stated. He chose his fate the moment he found me out." (Name) responded.

"You aren't feeling despair?" Monokuma scowled.

"Of course she wouldn't! (Name) has a hope much more brighter then that!" Nagito defended. She looked over and flashed him a smile.

"Thank you. Now, I'm on my way. I've got something I need to discuss.." With that, she turned on her heels and promptly walked out the trial grounds.

Everyone was silent, watching as the girl walked out somewhat happily. It was still silent, and people seemed to be thinking. Out of nowhere, about two minutes later, a sudden realization hit Hajime.

"Hey, guys.." He spoke, everyone looking at him.

"Hm? What is it?" Chiaki tilted her head.

"If everyone's down here, then.." Hajime frowned.

Nagito's eyes widened. "Who the hell is she going to talk to?"

Everyone exchanged worried and/or horrified glances before running out of the trial grounds despite Monokuma's protests. They had split off to look for the (hair color).

Nagito, Hajime, and Ibuki went to the hotel, searching the old building, the lobby, and the restaurant.

"Have you seen her?" Hajime asked.

"Uh-uh!" Ibuki shook her head rapidly.

"Where could she be..?" Nagito frowned.

"Have we checked her cottage?" Hajime reminded, and the three hurriedly ran off to her cottage without saying anything.

They could hear bits and pieces of the conversation as they approached.

".....It'd be a shame if... were to die.."

"Stay away from him, got it?!" (Name)'s furious voice screeched, cracking ever so slightly. Nagito quickly opened the door, to be met with (Name) glaring angrily at her mirror. When she whirled around, everyone noticed how she had a few tears on her cheeks.

"Hey, what's going on?!" Fuyuhiko yelled as he ran up to the door along with the others.

"I thought you were searching the other parts of the island?" Nagito raised an eyebrow.

"We finished there. We heard screaming so we got here faster. What's going on?" Akane wondered.

"We don't know.." Hajime frowned as Nagito went up to (Name).

"Hey, are you ok..?" He asked, concern laced in his voice.

"Nagito, I..." She was looking down at the ground, and Nagito pulled her into a hug.

"It's ok.. Just talk to me." He smiled.

"Huh, guess we had nothing to be worried about." Sonia sighed in relief.

"I'm sorry."

He didn't know if this is where his good luck came into play. However he suddenly felt himself falling backwards, and as his butt hit the floor, he looked up to see something shocking. (Name) stood there with a knife in her hand, and she was taking a step forward as if she was about to lunge at something. Her eyes were wide, and she was breathing heavy.

"H-Hey, what the-?!" Hajime took a step back.

"(Name)..? Did you just try to stab me?" Nagito was in shock, his eyes wide with hurt and betrayal.

"I have to. I have to do it before she can..." Her whole body was shaking as she talked. "So just hold still and let me kill you!" (Name) raised the knife, ready to bring it down on him.

Suddenly Fuyuhiko, Akane, and Nekomaru grabbed hold of her. (Name) struggled, still tightly grasping the knife.

"Let go! I have to do it before she can do it in a way that's much more painful! Let me go!"

Hajime slowly walked over to Nagito, helping him to his feet. "What're you talking about?"

"I have to kill you and Nagito! Just let me! She'll make you suffer! I could end it so fast, you wouldn't feel pain!"

"Who the fuck are you talking about?!" Fuyuhiko grunted as he struggled to keep her held back.

"I can't... I can't take this anymore! Everyone get out!" (Name) screamed, pulling away from the three. She readied the knife in her hand, her eyes holding nothing but bloodlust. "Leave!"

"Ok, (Name).. We're leaving." Ibuki looked sad, and like a kicked puppy walked out her cottage. Everyone exchanged worried glances, before slowly exiting. As Nagito left, he saw her throw it at the mirror, watching it shatter the glass.

"I wish you would talk to me.." He mumbled softly, closing the door and leaving her to herself. As he joined the others, everyone had a serious look on their face.

"We need to tie her up."

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