17 ~ My Love

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who reads, comments, and votes. It means a lot. We even hit 1k for this book, and I'm so happy. I might rush this chapter a bit, so I apologize.

(Name) grunted and pulled away from Nagito turning to face Junko.

"It's over. You can't do anything anymore. Not with the backup that's coming." (Name) laughed, smirking.

"Backup..?" Junko gave her a look.

"Sorry I'm late!" A male voice called, and everyone's heads turned to face where it came from.

There stood a boy with an spike on his head, much like Hinata's, and he was accompanied by a man with blonde hair and glasses and a girl with pink hair. They all took up three empty podiums.

"You all look confused." The brunette spoke. "My name's Makoto Naegi. This is Byakuya Togami and Kyoko Kirigiri. We're survivors of the killing school life."

"How did you even get in here?" Junko groaned, back in her depressed phase.

"(Name) got us in here." Makoto nodded towards said girl. "Chiaki wasn't the only one working for the Future Foundation."

"Wait, then that means.." Kazuichi scowled.

"(Name), you were a traitor as well?!" Fuyuhiko barked.

"If you wanna call me that, then yes. But it was for a good reason, I swear." (Name) frowned.

"You don't need to explain yourself." Komaeda interjected. "We can argue about this when we get out of here."

"Nagito is right. You all just need to listen to the Future Foundation right now. We'll explain the consequences later. We need to get out of here." Togami ordered. Everyone exchanged weary looks, as if they didn't know if they should believe him. Hajime then looked over at (Name), and she just nodded and smiled. He let out a sigh before nodding himself, and gave her a smile before hitting the two buttons.

When all 10 students activated the forced shutdown, Usami appeared in her Magical Girl uniform, and proceded to take down the AI. Immediately after she defeated the AI, the world around the few people left started to crumble. Naegi and the other survivors bid the teens farewell, and disappeared. The remaining students stood in the middle of the podiums, all looking at each other with a smile. Their world was falling to pieces around them, but they were all too busy smiling at each other to care.

"I'm sorry for this whole mess, everyone." (Name) apologized.

"We're just glad to have you back." Sonia smiled.

"Don't worry about apologizing. Just make it back safely, and explain everything to us." Hajime nodded.

"Hey, if you think about touching her I'll kill you." Nagito threatened, glaring at Kazuichi.

"Why me?!" The pinkette wailed.

"Just because." The albino shrugged, and everyone chuckled. He then turned to the giggling girl next to him, making her stop laughing and give him a confused look. "Remember what you told me..? How you wanted help with your problem?"

"Yeah, I remember. Do you have an answer?" (Name) tilted her head to the side.

"I think so, my love." He smiled and cupped her cheeks, bringing her into a gentle but passionate kiss. It didn't take long for her to kiss back, her hands draped around his neck.

"Oh my!" Sonia exclaimed. "Look away, children!"

"Miss Sonia, you're the same age as us!" Kazuichi pouted as the survivors were forced to look away from the kissing couple.

And then, everything went white.


"Nagito. Hey, Nagito!"

A familiar voice pulled the albino out of his sleep, and groaning he opened his silver eyes to be met with the sight of Hajime and the other classmates, even the deceased ones, hovering above him. He went to go sit up, but bonked his head against the glass keeping him encased in his pod. Groaning, he rubbed his forehead as his classmates broke into snickers.

They all worked together to get him unhooked from his sleeping pod, helping him stand.

"It's great to have you back." Akane grinned.

"Yes, it's good to see everyone is awake." Mahiru smiled, yet everyone seemed to get depressed because of that statement.

"How's your arm feeling?" Fuyuhiko tried to change the subject.

"My arm?" Nagito gave them a confused look, then looked down at his limb. He now knew what Kuzuryuu was talking about. Much like (Name), his arm had been replaced by a mechanical replica, but it was his left arm. He stared at it curiously, curling the fingers.

"You cut your arm off when we were all infected with despair. Kazuichi made you a fake one." Nekomaru grunted.

"Stupid pigbarf." Hiyoko grumbled quietly.

"It looks amazing, Kazuichi! Thank you!" Nagito smiled happily.

"All in a days work, I suppose." Kazuichi blushed in joy of being complimented.

"It's just like (Name)'s! Speaking of, where is she?" Nagito looked around for her, and everyone tensed up. Hajime stepped forward.

"Nagito, listen. I don't know how to say this, but.." He frowned.

"What is it?" Komaeda raised an eyebrow.

"Well, (Name) never woke up."

End of Book 1

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