3 ~ Parties Aren't Always Fun

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"Eh..? So, a party, huh?" (Name) rose an eyebrow as she and Komaeda sat on the table in the back corner.

"Yep. Sadly, I got unlucky and I'm stuck with cleaning this place." He sighed sadly, his lips curled in a frown.

"Hey, I could help you out. I really don't mind." (Name) glanced at him.

"Are you sure you wanna help a piece of garba-" His self-deprecating comment was cut off by her putting a finger over his lips.

"Stop calling yourself garbage, please." (Name) almost started pleading as she moved her finger. Nagito blinked, before laughing.

"Yeah, ok. I'll try." His facial expression turned serious, slightly worrying her. "Are you sure you're ok though, (Name)?"

"Of course! What Hiyoko said wasn't really bothersome."


"You sure?" Nagito didn't seem quite so sure.

She wanted to smile, tell him she was alright. However, she couldn't smile. It's not that she didn't know how. She always lived by the same motto:

"If people know how you feel, they can take advantage of you. So it's easier that no one knows how I feel."

It wasn't the best one to live by, but it's how she's stayed alive this long. So for now, she was rollin with it.

"Yeah, I'm positive." With a nod of her head, she jumped down from the table, noticing the loud squeaking noise from that area. "Well, let's get started. We've got a lot to clean."

"Mhmm, sure." Nagito smiled and got down, the two making their way to the storage room. When they got there and turned the lights on, they frowned.

"Jesus, its as dusty as my grandmas nether regions.." (Name) mumbled.

"Ew." Nagito laughed, waving his hand in front of his face.

"We probably won't find anything useable to clean with in here. Maybe Rocketpunch Market has something decent." (Name) glanced at him.

"Yeah, that's smart. Let's get going then." Nagito held the door open for her, and she gave a nod of her head as she walked out the room. He took one last glance in the storage room, then closed the door.

A few hours passed, and the whole building was clean. The two sighed in exhaustion as they sunk to the floor, their backs against the far back wall.

"That was a lot... My back is killing me." (Name) groaned.

"Want me to massage it for you?" Nagito offered.

"That'd be great." (Name) laid on the floor, sighing. Nagito laughed softly before starting to press his hands to her back, thumbs rubbing out the knots in her shoulder blades. (Name) grunted, sinking deeper into the floor. After a bit, he stopped, and she sat up, rotating her right arm. "Thanks, I appreciate it."

"It's the best someone as worthless as me can do." Nagito smiled, and before (Name) knew what she was doing, she grabbed his hand that was on the floor, taking it gently in hers like she was holding glass. He looked at his hand in shock. "(Name)..?"

"Stop calling yourself all those bad things. Every human life has value, damn it." (Name) stared right into his silver eyes, and he stared at her intently.

"This is the first time your eyes have held something other then emptiness.." He muttered softly, his free hand traveling to cup her cheek. "Is that hope...? Hope... looks amazing in your eyes.. I want to see it more often."

Is this a cheesy romcom or what..? But is it bad that I want this..?

nO.. yOu will ju5t b3tray him in th3 3nd..

Defining Hope ( Nagito x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now