11 ~ Into The Sun

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(Another short chapter)

Before the trial started, (Name) decided to go for a walk just to clear her mind. She eventually got to Jabberwork Park, sitting on the fountain to face the sunset. Sighing, she rested her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands.

"Why are you so upset?" A voice snapped her out her thoughts, and (Name) sat up to see Nagito smiling at her.

"Just thinking." (Name)'s sad reply came.

"Wanna tell me what about?" Nagito offered, raising an eyebrow.

"The trial.. I hate to admit it, but.." She looked away from him. "I'm scared. I feel lonely.. Someone else is gonna be kill again.. And I can't help but feel it's my fault."

"Hey, don't worry too much about it. There's no way it's your fault, it's whoever put us here." Nagito laughed lightly, gently grabbing her hand and intertwining their fingers. "You've still got me, right?"

Her head snapped up to him, her face tinted a bit pink. "I-I guess..."

"Exactly. So it'll be ok. You won't ever be lonely again, I promise." Nagito gave her another smile, running his thumb over her knuckles.

(Name) stayed silent for a bit, and Nagito remained quiet as well. He faced the sun again, getting lost as the colors swirled purple and orange. Suddenly, something warm was placed on his cheek, and his eyes looked over to see (Name) gently kissing his cheek. She squeezed his hand, and he did the same.

"Thank you.."

The class trial was indeed interesting, and had happened. Surprisingly, (Name) was silent for most of it. She only started speaking when they started to accuse Peko, and for some reason her lips were twisted in a frown. Everyone noticed something was wrong, but nobody wanted to ask. When the trial ended, she was walk past everyone without saying a word, and she ran straight to her cottage.

Nagito frowned as he approached her cottage door about 5 minutes after she'd left. He was about to barge in, but remembered what happened last time he did so. Cautiously, he put his ear to the door, and sighed in relief when he heard nothing. Slowly, he twisted the doorknob and swung the door open.

"Hey, (Name)..?"

"Get down!"

Before he could process, someone slammed their body into him, causing him to fall backwards. He groaned, opening his eyes to see (Name) on top of him, straddling his waist. She was looking over her shoulder, a pissed off expression on her face. Her right hand had grasped his wrist, and her left held his forearm. Both his joints were pinned to ground, and he frowned as he looked at her.

"(Name)? What are you..?"

"What're you doing here? You could've died just now if I didn't save you!" (Name) snapped, glaring down at him.

"Save me from what..? All I was doing was coming to see why you ran off.." He blinked his eyes in confusion.

"Nevermind.. I don't need your protection, Nagito." She scowled, tightening her grip on his body, making him wince slightly. "I'm a big girl, I can handle myself."

"I was just-"

"Just go away. Go away and don't come back." (Name) snarled and crawled off him, and he sat up in shock. She stared down at him, and for a moment her eyes softened. But as quick as it appeared, she went back to the cold attitude she just showed him, turned on her heels, and walked in her cottage. She slammed the door shut with a loud bang, making him flinch.

Nagito felt his bottom lip quiver, and he slowly and dejectedly got up. Hanging his head, he slowly walked away from her cottage and exited the hotel site.

(Name) exhaled deeply, leaning against her cottage door. She frowned, recalling how upset he looked when (Name) had so rudely shoved him away. Groaning, she ran a hand over her face, then smacked her cheeks lightly.

"Get a grip. You're an assassin. Assassins don't have feelings." (Name) lectured herself, scowling. However, she sighed and looked down, her scowl dropping. "Still, I.. I love that boy.. Why did I do that to him..?"

"Because you're totally falling into despair!"

(Name) couldn't remember falling asleep. But she woke up in her bed to the sound of loud pounding on her cottage door. She groaned, slowly getting up and opening the door.

"What do you want? I was sleeping you kno-"

"What are you doing sleeping?! How could you?!" Hajime screamed at her, making her jump.

"What the hell are you talking about, Hajime?"

"How do you not know?!" He fumed.

"Just tell me what-"

"Nagito's in the hospital! He tried to kill himself!"

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