7 ~ Checkmate

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(photo creds to gomi-draws on tumblr. Sorry for short chapter)

"Of course it was me!" (Name) laughed.

"No. It wasn't. There's something strange about it." Hajime frowned.

"Yeah.. (Name) was surprisingly clean." Chiaki pointed out.

"What? No she wasn't! She had blood all over her!" Fuyuhiko scowled.

"But don't you remember what the blood stain looked like?" Chiaki sighed. "It was like a few drops, like she had maybe cut her finger and let the blood drip on her. It wasn't all over her body. Her hands were clean too. So if she had really killed Byakuya, her hands would've been bloody, right?"

(Name) sighed. "I must confess. You got me."


"I did everything except kill Byakuya. When the blackout occurred, I did use the power cord to get to the table. However, Byakuya pushed me out the way. After that, everything's a total mystery." (Name) shrugged her shoulders, and for some reason Nagito felt relief.

(Name)'s eyes turned cold for a minute. "Hey, I didn't finish my testimony, right?"

"No, not technically.. Why?" Hajime seemed weary.

"Well, when I got under the table, I had a fight with someone underneath. Now, I may just be imagining things, but.." With that, (Name) left her assigned post and started to walk towards Teruteru. The short man flinched.

"W-What are you..?" He mumbled as (Name) rose her non-mechanical thumb up, wiping his cheek.

"(Name), what're you up to?" Hajime rose an eyebrow as she inspected her thumb.

"I see.." She looked up, licked her index finger, and wiped his same cheek. Teruteru quickly covered his cheek up with his hand.

"I-In any other situation I might be turned on by this, but what're you doing?" Teruteru whined. She took her middle finger and wiped his other cheek, nodded silently, and walking back to the post.

"What was the point of that?" Sonia tilted her head.

(Name) remained silent and looked down, a troubled look on her face.

"Answer you piece of shit!" Fuyuhiko cursed.

"I'm going to retract myself from responding to that, les I hurt your feelings." (Name) spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.

"W-What?!" Fuyhuiko fumed.

"Anyway, Teruteru.. Explain the foundation on your cheek." (Name) stated, bringing her head up.

"F-Foundation?" Mahiru gaped.

"Yeah. I was a bit concerned, because I found mine was missing. And it's funny, because this is the exact same shade I have." (Name) smirked. "Now, why would you have foundation on? And why were you so quick to cover that mark on your cheek up?"

"I-I don't know what you mean!" Teruteru protested.

"Then put down your hand." Nagito demanded.

"What if I want it here?" Teruteru huffed.

"But that just makes you suspicious." Hajime frowned. "If you've got nothing to hide, remove your hand."

Teruteru looked around nervously before slowly removing his hand. Grinning, (Name) spoke once more.

"There we go. Now, when I was fighting with the actual killer, I scratched something with my nail. So, I'm gonna ask you. Where'd you get the cut from?"

Teruteru looked nervous. "W-What're you talking about?"

"The cut on your cheek of course!" She cackled. "It's super coincedental that the cut appeared after the murder of Byakuya."

Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and she smirked. "Now, what's your excuse, hm?"

Nagito froze. Why did her smirk look so familiar? Why did she remind him of someone? He didn't know who, maybe it was because of his memories being lost. But the look on her face that read 'I won' reminded him of some other female. He couldn't remember her name.

"(Name), what's gotten into..?" Nagito whispered quietly, hoping the girl didn't hear. And she didn't, to his relief.

"T-That's.. W-Well! Ida never dun do sucha thang!"

"W-What kind of accent is that?!" Hiyoko scowled.

"Looks like I've cleared this level quite quickly." (Name) smirked.


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