Ch 1 - I Will Kill Him

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Guess who's back, but not really because my life is super busy! 💃🏾🙄😔

It's my birthday, so I thought I would spoil you guys with a whole new chapter of our journey. 🍾🙌🏾💁🏾


- This chapter is in Elle's POV

- The book will interchange between Elle and Six's POVs

- Don't ask me questions about this chapter. You're going to be confused, and that's the WHOLE POINT!

- There will be new characters. Keep up.

- I will keep adding the cast as I go along.

- I will send a guide just to remind you guys of the basics so far.

- I'm not about to start updating this as often as you'd like. I'm busy with a million other things.

- There are ads in my books. Please watch them to help me. Pretty please and thank you.

- Happy reading, and here's to continuing this journey.

Love you guys! 😘❤️😊

Katee (^^,)


"Get in there, cut the red cord and make sure you don't leave the chip behind. You'll have forty seconds after cutting the cord to get as far away from there as you possibly can before it blows up," the voice told me.

"Copy that!"

I fixed the strap on my thigh before checking my guns. With them firmly in place, I drew my swords before heading into the building. I knew that they were already waiting for me, so being stealthy wasn't necessary.

I walked in only to be shot at. I managed to duck in time, hiding behind one of the walls. I quickly grabbed my mirror and used it to scope how many people were shooting at me. I managed to see eight before the mirror was shot out of my hand.

The shooting ceased before the leader, Vlankoff, spoke up. "Did he really think that I would make this easy for him? If he wants the chip, he'll have to send in his best team."

"I guess that's why he sent me."

I stepped out from behind the wall in the shooting resumed, except this time I was ready for them. I shot a whole lot of them while managing to not get myself shot at. I was wearing protective gear of the highest technology anyway. When they realized that they weren't getting anywhere with bullets, they decided to engage me in a fight.

My favourite.

I could feel the familiar adrenaline flowing through my veins before I fought them back. The sound of bones breaking is simply music to my ears, and breaking bones is probably one of my most favourite things to do.

Slowly but surely Vlankoff's men decreased in numbers. I'm not stupid, so I know that he'd only brought a part of his team and that he still had other people hidden somewhere in the world. Still, I did a pretty kickass job, even if I say so myself.

"Well, what do we have here?" I asked him when it was just him, three of his men and I left. You could see the undying loyalty mixed with fear in the buffoons' faces.

"It's not possible," Vlankoff said in disbelief.

"I wish I cared enough to know what you were referring to, but I've got shit to do, so hand me the chip and I'll think about letting you keep your arm," I said as I withdrew both my sword and a dagger from my hip.

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