Ch 23 - Celestia

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The chapter as promised, but first an announcement:

I've been keeping this in for a while now, but I thought today would be the perfect day to announce it.


Anyone who knows me, knows that my writing is my life. What started out as a hobby five years ago, has become my very lifeline. It went from being a hobby, to becoming a dream to one day see my name on the cover of a published book. To be able to say that it's finally happening is beyond amazing.

The Santiago Series has been picked up for publication by a publishing company called Inkitt. The first book, Mateo Santiago, will be available for purchase on Amazon from the 15th of November.

You can click on this link for a free ebook copy if you're American. (

In the meantime, follow my social pages to find out more information. I will be posting updates on everything related to the series, as well as keeping you more updated on my other books.

Thank you all so much for your constant support over the years and for helping me to make this a dream come true. I love you all.

Please continue to read the Numbers Series on their site so that it can also be picked up for publishing.

Ok, onwards. 😌



I groaned as I woke up. My lungs hurt and for a while I couldn't stop coughing. Once my chest simmered, I looked around the room and that's when I spotted her. I went over to her and shook her awake.

"Kaya! Kaya wake up," I said, shaking her.

She groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. "Rena?"

"Kaya, do you know where we are?" I asked her.

She coughed, probably going through the same thing I did. "No."

I looked around the room, and it looked like we were in a little girl's room. The room was actually cute. I looked down at myself before looking at her and I realized that our dresses had ash on them.

"The fire," I whispered.

"Rena, your arm," she said.

I looked down and my arm was wrapped with a bandage. I reached out to touch it before hissing. She smacked my hand away from the bandage, giving me her signature scolding look. When we heard footsteps approach, we quickly resumed our previous positions before the door opened.

"They're still asleep? It's been four days," one voice said.

"What do you figure we do? If we tell the big boss, he's going to lose it. As it is, he's out for blood. The fire was Silver's fault. How do you think he's going to feel knowing that the girls aren't waking up?" another voice asked.

"Maybe we should get a doctor to check them out?" the first voice suggested.

"He said we aren't allowed to let anyone close to them. I don't know about you, but I'd like to live," the second voice said.

"What about bringing Grayson here? Surely it will work out better with them seeing another kid, than us being the ones they first see," the first voice argued.

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