Ch 15 - Brothers and Old Friends

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I kept driving, not entirely sure of where I was going. I mean, I had my mission instructions and all, but I wasn't quite sure about following them. I was having an internal battle, and I needed a way to deal with everything.

A way I probably would've found had I not left my fiancé behind.

Leaving Xander behind is probably one of the hardest things I can remember doing, but I can't help it if staying behind puts him in danger. The agency I work for had very subtly told me that they were watching us at all times.

Which means our lives are in danger.

I needed to get away from him to ensure that he, and everyone else I love, is safe. However, knowing them, they're probably coming after me, which means I have to work on throwing them off as well.

"Where the hell are you?" she asked as soon as she answered the phone.

"I can't tell you, but I do need a favour from you," I replied.

"I'm not going to throw them off on your behalf," she responded.

Why does she know me so well?

"The agency is watching me Storm. They know my every move, which means they probably know about every plan we've managed to devise to fight them. Hell, they're probably tapping into this phone call for all I know, even if Nick confirmed that they can't. I couldn't stay behind and put you all in danger," I argued.

She sighed in frustration. "So you saw it fit to instead face the danger alone? Tell me in what world has that ever ended well?"

"I know it sounds really stupid right now, but I just really need you to trust me on this," I told her.

"I'll throw them off on one condition," she bargained, and I already knew what she wanted.

"I'll text you the address, even though it will look weird that I'm working with you," I pointed out.

"We'll figure it out later. Do you have to blow up a city?" she asked.

I frowned as I reached my destination. "What makes you think I have to blow up a city?"

"It's the only thing they found on the drive in connection to the mission code you were given," she explained.

And that's when it made sense.

My mission was to attend a high profile ball and there seduce a man by the name of Lane Mason. He's an inventor in the biochemical field. I'm supposed to retrieve a file from his laptop, and based on what Storm was telling me, the file must have something to do with a bomb that's clearly dangerous enough to wipe out an entire city.

"Elle?" she called when I wasn't saying anything.

"I'm here. Listen, I need you to see what information you can gather from there before you come to me. Find out as much as you can about what's on the drive. While my mission isn't to blow up a city, it could very well be leading down that path," I replied.

"They're all coming to find you. They're all sure that you're on your way to destroying some poor city out there," she informed.

"Have they pinpointed the city?" I asked as I left the car.

"No. Everything has been guesswork, and I guess now that not even you know of the city, they won't find out. I'll gather as much as I can and then I'll come join you. I'll tell them that I'm going on a solo mission or something," she responded.

"And where are you now?" I asked.

"I went out for some air. That Nadia girl is a pain in my ass and I know you'd like the honour of kicking her ass, so I had to leave before I did," she said, making me laugh a little.

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