Ch 11 - Check Up

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Elo Smurflettes

Easter Weekend was hectic, so I'm sorry I didn't update last week. On the bright side, you get two updates both on here and Radish (Chap 11 and 12 here, and Chap 15 and 16 on Radish).

Happy reading!


"Your assignments are due next week Thursday. Also, don't forget your test on Tuesday," Professor Stevens announced.

"My god, why the hell would we enrol to this?" my brother asked as we packed up our notes.

"Tell me about it. We've just spent three hours listening to one man tell us about a kidney, a kidney for heaven's sake!" I said dramatically.

He laughed. "I don't even know why we're taking medicine to begin with. We're both excellent field agents, so I don't really see a life for us in the medical world."

"You've never thought about retiring?" I asked curiously as we left the lecture hall.

"Not really. This is the only life I've known, and I mean, dangers aside, I love it. Besides, I do more good out on the field than I would in a hospital," he argued.

"I get what you're saying, but I don't know if I'd want our kids to be introduced to this world," I commented.

He nudged me, smiling. "You said our."

I giggled. "Yes Nicholas, mine and Xander's children. I don't plan on having children with anyone else."

"Glad to hear it blossom," my handsome fiancé said as we reached him. I smiled and went up to kiss him.

"Aaaaw, where's my boyfriend?" Nick whined.

"Cypher's sent through a mission, so he's prepping for us," Xander informed.

"Us? And do they know that he's prepping for one of their missions?" Nick asked.

Xander scratched the back of his head, making me bite my lip at the sight of his V. "Uh, you see, what had happened was..."

"Spit it out!" Nick snapped.

"Alright geez, calm down. Cypher knows nothing about Thales, or that Jayme's back, and yes, that includes my team. Like I told him, they've deemed him, blossom and the twins traitors, and they don't quite believe that you're Zero, so we thought it better for Jayme to stay with Thales. They were working on finding you and working out the whole imposter thing, and since that's now off the table, they're going to be on comms for this mission. It's technically a solo mission for me, so we'll be set up to two frequencies and comms. Nigel and Aziel are in charge on the Cypher end," my fiancé explained.

I looked at him amusedly. "And who told you that we want in on your little mission?"

He pouted. "Are you really going to let me go out there by myself with all the danger around?"

"Yes," Nick and I replied without thinking twice about it.

"How? How are the two of you still so in sync?" he huffed.

"Da family bond never dies mon," Nick said in a Jamaican accent, making me laugh at the priceless look on Xander's face.

"What the hell was that?" he asked as we walked to our cars. We were planning to head back to the apartment since we all took our cars because Xander's classes finished early.

He was just here now because he missed me.

"That was me being me. Don't have new expectations now," Nick said dramatically.

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