Ch 8 - The Boy Was Nick

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Sorry it's late.



I walked through the halls, being acknowledged by everyone I passed by. I was looking for Storm so that I could tell her something, but I hadn't seen her the whole day. It wasn't anything new though. She tends to disappear.

"Looking for Storm?" a voice brought me out of thought.

I turned to face Leila. "Yes I am."

"She's out with her father. They went to fetch her blades," she informed.

"I thought they were going tomorrow," I commented.

"Raygan called to say they finished earlier. What did you need her for?" she asked.

This lady is so nosy.

"It's nothing serious. I just wanted to spend time with her," I lied.

She smiled. "So you're accepting our offer?"

"I still need more time to think about it," I replied.

"You'll come around soon Coren. I just know it," she said confidently before walking away.

I brushed the weird encounter off and instead headed outside. It was sundown and the sun looked beautiful as it set. From where I was standing, I had a stunning view of the secret vast lands of The Dragons.

I was about to head back in when I was met by darkness.

I woke up in what looked like a temple. I was the only one in the room, but I wasn't tied up or anything. If anything, you'd swear I was a free man and willingly here. I looked around and I could hear the buzzing in the room, but I had no idea where it was coming from.

"You're a powerful one, aren't you?"

I turned, looking for the voice, but there was no one there. I searched the whole room to find that there was no door. I was trapped in the room, and I was hearing voices. I did the one and only thing I could think of doing in that moment.

I crossed my legs, closed my eyes and meditated.

With my mind clear, I opened my eyes and came face to face with a pale woman with yellow, fiery eyes. She was looking at me intently, as though she was looking for some answers in my eyes. I gave nothing away, staying silent.

"You're the Chosen One," she said, her voice serenading my ears.

"The Chosen One?" I asked.

She nodded. "They see it in you too. That's why they've chosen you to be their leader."

"You mean The Dragons?" I asked.

She nodded once more. "You not only have a powerful host, but you possess one of the most powerful souls of all time, and there's only one person suited for you. It has been so for millenniums."

I was confused. "I don't understand."

It didn't look like she was about to explain anything to me. Instead, she reached out and touched my forehead with two fingers, rendering me paralyzed as she chanted something. My eyes unwillingly closed themselves, and I felt myself getting pulled into a place within myself.

I don't think I could explain this any better than that.

"Raganor, it's been a long time," she said, smiling.

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