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"If you're looking for your beloved soulmate, then you'll come to these coordinates by six thirty tomorrow evening."

My blood was boiling as my brother read out the message that I'd just received. We'd been trying to locate blossom for hours with no luck. It had been three days and I had only slept for twelve hours of those days.

They had to sedate me to get me to sleep.

She's just disappeared, even though we responded to her alert seconds after it came in. It wasn't hard to figure out that Lane had her, and I was itching to get my hands on him, except something wasn't making sense to me.

Why now?

She'd been with him the whole time and he chose to instead flaunt her, which leads me to believe that he's working for someone else, or at least that he kidnapped her on someone else's behalf.

And it was not knowing who, that was driving me mad.

"I know that look on your face. You're not going anywhere," Aziel told me.

"She's the best of the best, we all know that, but she sent a distress signal Aziel. She needs me and I can't sit here and do nothing," I argued.

"Technically the text doesn't say you should come alone," Nigel pointed out.

"Because it's implied, but they know he won't, so what's the plan forward here?" Malachi asked.

"We're obviously heading there, except it also feels like a trap. We know they have Ellie, but like Malachi pointed out, they probably know that Xander won't come alone. We don't know who they will bring," Nick argued.

"So really, it's about deciding if we believe in ourselves to take on whatever is waiting for us," my brother added.

"I'm not going to force anyone to come with me, but you all know where I stand. The love of my life is in danger so it's no mystery really," I said.

"You know we go wherever you go," Mordecai said strongly. I looked around the room and there was nodding around, including from the E's, as well as Grayson.

"Alright then. We're leaving in the next hour," I announced.

"Aren't we going to be a little early?" Kenya asked.

"These are the coordinates to the football field at my school. There's a match tomorrow night and I need to convince the coach to get them to move the match," I informed. I'd already checked the coordinates as well as my football schedule.

"Alright. We don't need anything except our gear right?" Zeya asked.

"Yeah. Everything that's in cases goes, and everything else is on the jet," Nigel replied.

"What about Silver?" Nadia asked.

"We say nothing," Nick, Jayme, Thales, Aziel, Nigel, Mordecai, Malachi and Grayson said.

Glad to know they're truly on my side.

"Where's Franco?" Theodore asked as we packed up.

"He left a little after the alert on Elle's bracelet came through," Aziel replied.

"And none of you found that suspicious?" Vanessa asked.

Silence settled on the room as we all looked at each other. "He wouldn't."

"We should hope not. We need to leave right now," Malachi said.

Everything was suddenly even more urgent as we scrambled to leave. We were in the air in minutes, and they engaged me in a mission plan to keep me distracted. By the time we landed, we'd thoroughly worked out a mission perimeter plan to cover all our possible bases.

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