Ch 2 - You Don't Know Her

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"What do you mean they're gone?" Aziel asked.

"I mean exactly that dimwit. The twins, Elliephant and Jayme are gone, and none of the cameras caught anything," Malachi replied.

"I take it Elliephant is my niece?" Silver asked.

I nodded. "Do you know where she could've gone?"

"I just found out about her Xander. You would stand a better chance of knowing the answer to that question," she replied.

"Except I think it's safe to say none of us know the answer to that question," Zuri said in realization.

I turned to Ayah. "If the twins are your cousins, then that means that Elle is your cousin too and you knew this entire time."

"Before you attack me, you need to understand that I was told not to say anything," she defended.

"Let me guess, Margaux told you not to say anything?" Mordecai asked her.

She nodded. "We were together when we found out that Six is connected to Elle, and when we received a photo of her, we knew it was her without a doubt. She pleaded with me not to say anything and all of you know where my loyalties lie when it comes to her."

"You mean to tell me that she didn't know that Elle was alive either?" Karr asked.

"No, she didn't. Look, I don't know much about this whole thing either, but I suspect that the twins knew all along," she replied.

"Which would mean they were just acting when they first saw her here," Malachi pointed out.

"Which also means Elle lied," Mordecai finished off.

Silence settled onto the room as we took his words in. My mind was reeling, clouded by sheer disbelief at everything that was unfolding before me. She's my blossom, and I was torn between trusting that, and giving into the side that recently started to question her.

Nothing about this situation was making it any easier to deal with.

"Guys," Zuri called when we noticed that Nadia was getting up.

She groaned. "I just had the weirdest nightmare."

"What happened?" Nigel asked her, acting clueless.

"Cypher was raided and then you guys came here to find me, but then this girl who tortured me showed up and you all said that she's Six's fiancée," she explained groggily.

"Adi, it wasn't a nightmare. It was reality," I told her.

She looked at me in confusion, but I think upon realizing that I was dead serious, did the look in her eyes change to horror, before settling on fear. She looked at me like she couldn't believe that I would do such a thing.

Love a monster.

"It can't be true. Xander, say it's not true. Tell me that you're not in love with that beast," she pleaded.

"I don't know of the person you speak of Nadia. I only know of my naive and innocent fiancée, who yes, was injected with a super soldier serum, but that's it," I said.

Karr scoffed. "Innocent."

I glared at him, and Malachi knew I was about to lose it. "Karr, cool it."

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