Ch 22 - Alojzia and Alexander Demetriou

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Hey Smurflettes

So, thanks to everyone who reached out to check if I was ok yesterday instead of attacking me.I was sick the whole day, hence the lack of update. I'm better now though.

Also, thank you to everyone who continues to support me on my journey to getting this series published. Your messages of support mean everything, and so do the numbers on Inkitt. Please check out the previous chapter with regards to this, as well as my message board. Thanks once again.

On another note...


Those of you who read it on Radish will have noticed this already. Element is finished, and Sigma  (Book 4), isn't coming any time soon. I will however provide updates as time goes.

The final chapter and the epilogue for this will go up here on the 18th of October.

Thanks guys. Let me not waste any more of your time. Love you all.




I watched her moving with the swords. She was moving at a pace that was borderline unbelievable, and yet she was handling it with a grace I could only match with a wild cat. I accidentally knocked into the corner of the table, breaking her concentration. One of the blades just about missed her.

Her eyes caught mine and I was captivated. She raised an eyebrow at me and I smirked at her. She looked even more beautiful as she blushed before beckoning me over to her. I headed there and grabbed two swords.

"Do you know how to handle those?" she asked me. Her voice was smooth and strong, despite her small size.

"I don't know. Let's find out," I challenged before going for her.

We fought for hours, changing techniques and weapons. For the first time in my life, I was lost to time and I didn't mind it. I didn't even care that I'd been sent to find Storm. Being with this girl was more important to me in that moment.

She took off her jacket as I followed with mine. That left me shirtless, and she was in a sports bra. Together with the yoga pants, I was afforded the kind of body hormonal teenage boys fawn over.

"Like what you see?" she asked.

"Very much so," I agreed.

"Don't bruise it too much," she replied.

I had no idea what she meant by that, until she landed a punch across my face. I wasn't expecting it, but I was ready for all her other attacks. I've fought many people in my life, and I've been named the best amongst the best, but I'd never fought anyone like this girl.

Let alone have anyone keep up with me like she has.

She caught me off guard and sent me to the ground. She smirked at me, only for me to blindside her and bring her down with me. She landed on me and the most wonderful sound came out of her mouth as she laughed.

She didn't make a move to get off me, and neither was she freaked out by me wrapping my arms around her waist. I didn't even know why I felt comfortable enough to do so, especially since my mission was Storm Tsar.

I moved a strand away from her green eyes. "What's your name?"

"Why should I trust you when I know that your name isn't Coren and you're trying to get in with my best friend?" she asked.

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